That's a good question. At first glance, without thinking about it too much, I'd say this situation was a perfect opportunity for the Jindal haters to sit back with a bucket of popcorn and watch the entertainment of a Republican meltdown unfold (see Rex's countless posts pointing out his continuously obvious hatred of our Governor). Jindal is still alright in my book, but he's lost a few points and needs to do a considerable amount of damage control, i.e. in the form of executive decisions he makes that benefit the STATE. He's a first term governor and certainly isn't perfect, but I'm hoping he can bounce back, as I saw some great promise in him. Vetoing the bill was the right thing to do and I say, "better late than never." He's on a short leash for the time being, however.
This is incorrect. A.B. Franklin of Lake Charles had a recall petition brought against him.
i think Rex hates everything... He lost some points with me over the whole situation, but i do give him points for admitting to the world he screwed up and fixed the problem. I also wish that people would turn their attention to Duplessis. From her "taco Bll" comment a few months ago to this raise mess, she is a nasty cancer in the Legislature.
Duplessis continues to believe that the public outrage was orchestrated by a few radio talk-show hosts. This lady is clueless.
My own representative, Hunter Greene, is the target of a recall petitiion. I hope they don't drop it like they did for Tucker.
I heard her say that as well, and I think it's an insult to the intellegence of the people of the state.
She represents New Orleans East and the Lower 9th Ward, the 2 areas hardest hit by Katrina and the 2 areas that are not yet recovered from Katrina. So what's her first order of business? Pad her own damn pockets. o::angryfire
The score is now Republican recall targets - 5...Democrats - 0 And yet there's no talk of running her out. Things that make you go....hmmmmm.