my bad. was it a yes or no? perhaps a yo? a nes? a definite maybe? a quantum state of favoring and hating at the same time?
Forgot about those specific's already? Must be the attention-span thing. Don't make me list the answers a third time. I'm embarrassed for you.
That was an excellent, lively thread/debate. I appreciate ALL of the points/counterpoints. I'll try another one soon, red doesn't want me linking my I will post the whole thing when I get around to writing it.
Link to it when it's relevant to a thread you are participating in, no problem. But simply starting threads with links to your blog without any discussion on your part . . . kind of stepped over the line into covert advertising.
Gotcha boss, I appreciate the clarification and will cheerfully comply. I don't do it to make money...........more therapeutic than anything. BTW........much better avatar. Surely it isn't my choice in teams or my stance on issues.