What happens in congress is they attach stuff to bills that have nothing to do with the bill. Defense bill + 100 million for a daycare center or something. If you vote no you hate kids. If you vote yes you wasted 100 milion on a privet company. Just about every bill that comes out of congress has bullshit in it. If you didn't vote for Tarp you wanted people out of work. You vote for Tarp you want big govt bailouts. These politicians have to give and take but some would rather take more than give. They should all quit sneaking crap into bills that has nothing to do with the original bill.
Martin should know what we call these people. Here is a picture for help: People get too polarized on actual candidates vs ideas of party.
Dude, your graph shows that healthcare costs are the moderates biggest issue. And I'd like to see your reasoning that Ryan's "perfection" that you mention isn't totally subjective.
I ripped this off of someone else. I did not write this question, but I'd like to see some of you address it: Paul Ryan voted for two wars, unpaid for. He voted for the massive Bush Tax Cuts, unpaid for. He voted to expand Medicare, he voted for TARP, he voted for the bank bailout, all unpaid for. The CBO sais this makes up a majority of US debt. So, HOW THE HELL IS HE RUNNING AS A CONSERVATIVE?!?
he didnt agree with those votes, dont you know that makes him a conservative, oh and he hunts with a bow and owns a thousand guns and pays his tithes in church and hates gays, abortion and government funded education.