Paul Ryan and GOP fiscal hypocrisy

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    People keeping more of their money is great reason. Government isn't entitled to it.
  2. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    ower corporate taxes to %26 percent and increase capitol gains to %28. better to invest than save right? and quit hiring mexicans NC your taking jobs from Americans just like a chinaman.
  3. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Why exactly do you think that the very rich should get better tax breaks than the middle class? Be specific.

    do the rich pay more money in taxes ? not talking percentage wise. do the rich take bigger risks by starting businesses and/or investments? yep. do they get a special road to drive on or their own military? nope.
    they pay more luxury taxes and car tags and spend more on expensive items thus paying more taxes.
    why should they not keep more of their own money? why should people that are happy being under educated or having a minimum wage job be giving money that someone else has earned?

    one day I'd like to be rich and I'd hate to know that after all the years I worked 70-100 hrs a week to achieve that, that the government would tell me I need to share more of my money.
    why don't you try this for a whole year in your classes. combine everyones grades, homework, tests, etc... , average them all out and give everyone in your class the average grade. see how well that goes over. that is what washington is asking the "rich" to do essentially.
    KyleK likes this.
  4. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    When the government is still 10 trillion in debt, they are obligated to maintain a sound financial path and the Bush tax cuts took us off of the sound financial path he was handed by slick Willie.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    You are so blinded by your racism. I do not hire "mexicans." I have four Americans who immigrated here from other countries, are documented and working their ass off to gain citizenship, work their ass off for me, never ask for a handout and have entirely too much pride to ever go to a government office for a assistance. The fact is that the white kids who want these jobs are the ones who feel entitled to a break every two hours, smoke breaks every half hour, an hour long lunch, bitch about every task I ask of them and want a raise based upon no merit whatsoever. My business is doing just fine, thanks for the advice.
  6. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    yep. walk in my shoes for a year and you'll be kinda partial yourself. i'd fire them white boys and hire some more migrants. but be warned. them unions find out and they'll send the occutards to crash your joint.
    oops my bad sounds like them white boys are union workers. and why do they have to be white boys and not anglo-americans or irish- americans or maybe they're scottish americans. and how come you don't hire you some african americans?

    and to make a comparison the white boys are like a typical democrat and the migrants are the republicans.

  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    So the government has been such great stewards of our treasure, by running up 15 trillion in debt, that your solution is to let them take more of our treasure. Show some restraint on the spending side. Reform the entitlements, cut defense spending, close a freaking post office, then talk to me about increasing taxes.
  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    No supa, I was referring to 2001 when the Bush Tax cuts began. We were still 10 trillion dollars in debt at that time. I am pointing out how crazy it was to start giving tax cuts under the auspices that the government should never run a budget surplus when we were still 10 trillion dollars in debt. And it is even crazier to think that, with a straight face, Bush said that the tax cuts would help us pay off the deficit....kid you not.

    I agree whole heartedly with you about reforming entitlements, cutting defense spending, reforming how the post office operates and reducing wasteful government spending but tax increases have to be part of the over all package of reforms. Add reforming the tax code to that list whiel we are at it. I am not talking about raising taxes on just the rich either....we will all have to "eat our peas" and let go of some the tax breaks we have all been receiving from mortgage interest, etc.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Well, why aren't you? It's the only way fair to compare the contributions of the rich and the middle class.

    Nope. Again, you neglect percentage of income. A middle class small businessman making $75,000 a year who decides to buy a half-million dollar building is risking everything. A 1%'er making $5,000,000 a year who decides to buy a million dollar building is spending twice as much, but risking far less of his worth.

    Rich people traditionally make riskier investments, particularly in real estate, because they have that huge cushion to live on. They can afford to buy property and then set on it for years before it becomes profitable. Middle class people must make any property purchase into a profit-making enterprise or lose it. But income tax is not based on the risk you take, but on your income. Income is income.

    They pay as much for a loaf of bread as you do. Luxury taxes amount to nothing in the big picture. Why in the world do you think that they deserve more tax breaks than you and I do? Because they have bigger boats and summer houses?

    They owe taxes like everybody else don't they? Why do you think that tax breaks that favor them over yourself is good? Why do you carry water for the extremely rich?

    Nonsense. The middle class is educated and they work hard for what they have. But you seem to think that simply being rich is some kind of entitlement to tax breaks that the middle class can't take advantage of.

    Amazing. You're not really simply the rich man's ass, you are actually dreaming that you will someday be rich and that you must have more in common with them than you do with the rest of the middle class that is working hard like you and not getting the breaks.

    I have no idea what you are trying to say.

    Bush and a Republican Congress asked for "Temporary tax cuts" that were supposed to stimulate the economy. But the economy failed and the policy failed. Now there Republicans want to make it permanent, when it is set to expire. It is helping to increase the national debt by reducing income that is badly needed.

    That is the basic failure with the republicans. They expect something for nothing. They cut taxes and increased spending when they were last in office and produced a huge recession. We don't need any more of that medicine.
  10. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    i could really give a fuck about the rich. ask my employer how many times I've made his ass pucker telling off pant owners and "rich" farmers. what I'm trying to say is that I think spending cuts should be first and foremost. I consider myself midde class but i work 3 jobs doing it and cringe at the thought of going over that hump where my taxes almost double. I'm against bailouts by both parties and damn sure against giving other countries our tax dollars cause they fucked up. I'm also against rewarding laziness and stupidity. If you don't want to make a better life for yourself then don't expect the taxpayers to feed you and if your planning on living on welfare the rest of your life quit having kids.
    If you want to take a gamble and start a business then work at making a profit and provide a useful service/product. Don't expect the taxpayers to keep you in business if your making shit nobody wants(solyndra, chevy volts).
    If you allow your company to become unionized and then expect taxpayers to subsidize your product because you can't sell it for what it costs to manufacture it, tough shit.
    if you don't think the man paying $150,000 + a year in taxes is paying enough yet your paying none is fair then i think their's something wrong with that picture.
    wanna bitch about jobs going overseas, fire the politicians that are forcing them over there.
    I vote for who I hope will protect Americans and make America competitive in a global market. Whose policies will help me keep more of my own money in my pocket. I don't need a politician telling me how to live, what to eat/drink or what to buy.
    When a politcian leaves office give him/her a gold watch not a lifetime 6 figure salary with bodyguards. they aren't working for us anymore so why keep paying them. They have the brains to make it into office they have the brains to support themselves.
    even my military philosophy is this, fuck with us and we'll carpet bomb your ass and let you rebuild with the rubble. threaten us with a nuke and we'll drop one in your fucking living room.
    I am for cutting spending on entitlements and subsidies for all people and businesses. I'm for a flat tax of say %20, it'll make EVERYONE pay their fair share, from the crack dealers to the corporate executives, illegal immigrants to politicians.

    Red I look forward to these debates with you I must admit. I don't have internet at home, not worth it cause i'm either working or hunting/fishing, so I only post when I'm pulling a shift at the fire dept. (every 3rd day). I don't know how many LSU games you attend but i try to make at least 2 every season, the Mississippi State and Ol Miss games. I wouldn't mind having a cold adult beverage with you at one of them this year. we may have more in common than you think.

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