Paul Ryan and GOP fiscal hypocrisy

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Total bullshit. Clinton had four annual budgets with a surplus, his entire second term. You cannot rewrite history.

    You are sooooooooo confused. o_O

    You are conflating annual budgets with the national debt.

    Clinton produced annual budget surpluses which was used to pay down the national debt, something no other modern President has been able to accomplish. The National Debt has been accumulated for over 200 years and it will take many more than three budget surpluses to pay it off.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Regardless, we are on president Obama, with ZERO indication of EVER positing a budget surplus.

    And to add, didn't Clinton have a republican held congress for 4+ years?
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Yes and he worked with that Congress (like Reagan worked with his democratic Congress) to compromise and advance legislation instead of the "our way or the highway" divisive politics of Karl Rove that has driven the GOP ever since and created the gridlock we now experience.
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    And the Repubes worked with him.

    Being that we agree, where is the hypocrisy? It's in BOTH parties.

    Tax cuts work, given the right structure.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    President Obama has never had the luxury of even thinking about a balanced budget because right now government spending and limited job growth in the private sector is the only thing keeping us from going the way of Europe. I don't see why you cannot seem to understand that if we started balancing the budget and implementing strict austerity measures right now we would be digging our own graves. I realize that it makes for great Republican talking points but the fact is that even Romney knows, and has acknowledged, that we cannot stop spending right now. As I have said before we should link austerity to growth numbers and make cuts as the economy gets back on its feet. If you think giving a bunch of tax breaks when we are already 16 trillion in debt is going to do the trick, well, then please see GWB in 2001 & 2003.

    Add to that the fact that he has been working with a congress who absolutely refuses to compromise for the good of the country and I cannot see how you would expect him to "fix" things.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No no,

    Spending cuts are NEEDED. We have FAR extended what our government should be paying for. Much like the GM issue, a private company that SHOULD have filed for bankruptcy and not to have government intervention.

    It is my view that the government sticking its finger in practically EVERYTHING is what has gotten us into this mess.

    Picture this, most organizations understand and know that if shit gets hairy, ol uncle Sam is there to help a brotha out. How would these businesses operate if their decisions meant they went out of business like EVERY other small business out there?

    Also, taxing the RICH only does NOTHING.... NOTHING....

    You dont just go and dump ranch all over your sandwich to hide the spoiled meat. Your still eating spoiled meat.

    There is also a flip side to your congress comment in regards that I see no democrats looking to do much of anything. Where was their budget before the Repubes took over?
  7. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Listen, we had to start spending BECAUSE of the problem. spending is not the problem, it's the depth of the hole that we dug for ourselves from 2001-2009. Spending has been a result of the problem, something that was necessary to keep our economy from collapsing. You cite the GM bailout as evidence but by all reasonable accounts it saved a million jobs and no GM is kicking ass.

    It wasn't the government sticking their finger in everything that got us into this mess; the government has been sticking it's finger in everything to help get us out of this mess. We have a leaky ship and right now the government is plugging the holes so we don't all drown.

    No one is advocating only taxing the rich. Any reasonable person knows that you cannot collect enough in tax revenue from the taxing the rich alone, it will require sacrifice from all of us as well as cuts to defense, medicare and social security as well as revamping the tax code.

    Democrats in congress and Senate have not been able to do anything because the Republicans just keep saying no. Stuff like infrastructure work and other domestic programs that are the main stays for combating recessions have been rejected by Republicans because, as they have stated, they want Obama to fail, which in turn means that we all get to fail with him for their own political gain. Amazing that you can support this kind of obstructionist attitude toward governing.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Obama had the house and senate his first few years so cut the shit.
    lsufan52 likes this.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Yea, I do support objections to blind dumb-ass bills that want to tax the rich knowing our tax systems is jacked.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The right structure is that they must accompany spending cuts of the same amount. The idea that you can just cut income without cutting spending is a recipe for a deficit. The idea that if you starve the government of money, it will "force" it to cut spending has failed spectacularly. Because the same guys who cut the taxes simply turn around and borrow the money and keep spending the same because they think the voters are stupid.

    And major bills got passed in those two years. Did you forget?
    Tiger in NC likes this.

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