Actually Chaos has it right. If someone is telling you different you need to get your information from a more reliable source.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Back in my glory days, I held conversations with a house cat, walls and a couple of the stately oaks on campus after imbibing mushroom tea.
her job is slutty alcohol rep. like she wears a bikini that says grey goose vodka on it. she did the shrooms before i saw her last night. she was the happiest person i have ever met. she today her stomach is a bit troubling though.
I can tell you one danger about marijuana. 1. You can get arrested. I can tell you four things about marijuana that you can believe. 1. Weed can turn achievers into dreamers if they have no discipline. But it keeps the undisciplined from becoming alcoholics, which is a real problem. 2. Weed will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no weed. I forget the other two . . .
dont be a pussy, Im really counting on you here. Ill try it next if it goes ok. every piece of grade-a you pass up is a day you will live to regret. trust me on this.