good point, and i think we need to remember that militant islamic people are far more dangerous than communists. communism was destined to fail. we may not have realized it at the time, but communism will collapse under its own weight eventually. it is not the same threat that crazy muslims are. muslims are violent and crazy, and there is nothing you can really do to stop them except spread free democracies and hope they calm down like everyone else. if you do nothing, they will continue to be scary and crazy and periodically blow people up, leaving us in s state of constant fear. so the truth of it is that americans are dying now so that generations from now we will be more peaceful. when iraq is a rich and happy democracy, it will convince younger peeps in the area that they should put down the suicide vest and the koran and start an internet company. spreading democracy is ONLY solution. militant islam will not die on its own like communism. also it would be nice if we could also take a couple steps away from crazy religion in this country, so this global war on islam is not seen as a christian crazies vs muslim crazies holy jihad. if everyone would chill with the religion and concentrate on happy things i would like that.
I remember. That's why I'm not laughing. Now we're trying to stop the spread of terrorism in the wrong place, too. Deja Vu all over again. Exactly.
How about in places that have terrorist training camps and recruiting centers before we invade. Somalia, Pakistan, the Phillipenes, Saudia Arabia, Syria. How are those for a few.
That would be awesome. I firmly support an invasion of all of those places. We should add Malta to the list too though, as that place is just screaming for a Sandals and a Six Flags.
Yes, both of those places. The last attack came from inside the US, you know. We need to be fighting it in all of our ports and along the borders with Canada and Mexico. The lax immigration policies of this administration are shameful. We need to tighten up inspections of containers, stop the flow of illegal aliens, and track legal aliens better. Afghanistan is a place where we have been smart in how we handled the situation. We assaulted the terrorists where they were living, packed them off to Cuba, and didn't try to occupy the place. But we need to wake up. Pakistan is where Bin Ladin is hiding. Pakistan is a hotbed of Islamic radicals and the birthplace of the Taliban who are openly living there. Pakistan is where bin Ladin and the other heirarchy are hiding. The US-supported government is not popular with the people and is sheltering the remnants of the Al Qaida group that hit us on 9/11 to placate them. Musharrif will likely not survive the islamic revolution that is coming in Pakistan (the earthquake will not help). Then Pakistan will go the way of Iran with an islamic revolutionary government allied with terrorist. Then we will have to put down a nuclear-armed hostile radical islamic nation. Speaking of radical hostile islamic nations, Iran who is openly developing the Bomb and long-range missiles is becoming even more radical and beligerent. This week they threatened Israel and said they needed to be wiped of the map. These crazy ragheads are the ones who finance Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. There is a fight coming up with Iran, too. Finally the deranged little bastard that runs North Korea is developing nuclear weapons and would love to complicate our lives by selling them to Al Qaida or some other bunch of islamic kooks. There are a lot of military missions that are important to the fight against terrorism. That's my strategic wisdom about where this fight should be fought. Do you have some views on how endlessly patrolling hostile streets in Iraq is somehow winning the war on terror?
if we follow through in iraq, our threats to these countries to shape up will be heeded. people can ignore us if they know we pussy out and dont follow through. we might be able to scare people straight without firing a shot if they know damn well we are not afraid to invade, kill and force people into democracy.
thats nice, but what do you propose we do in these places? invade? how long would we stay? how long before you would whine that we shouldnt be there? do you propose that we invade n korea? pakistan? what is your point? what spefically should we do? are you saying you favor us invading multiple huge countries? people are always saying this crap, "the problems are elsewhere!". fine. what should we do? you already showed you dont have the stomach for war.
I like that strategy, but you are assuming that Muslims are rational. They clearly are not. They will line up and throw rocks at tanks. They blow themselves up. Isreal wipped the map with them, but they still fight. I don't think we can scare them straight because they are crazy.