We dropped a bunker buster bomb on a supposed hideout of Saddam Hussein, with a ground invasion that followed. That's how the war got started in the first place. :thumb:
So find another thread, maw-maw. Perhaps another forum, we do political discussion here. I don't feel like being lectured to this morning, thank you.
We have established democracies in Japan and Germany where the population wanted democracy and cooperated with us. Where have we established democracy by occupying a land where the people hated us and tried to kill our troops? Not Lebanon, not Somalia, not Vietnam. Of course, we did finally establish a democracy in South Dakota after subduing the Sioux.
Germany was a democracy proir to WWII. The German people elected Hitler and the German Parliment gave him many special powers. We did not instill democracy in Japan either. The Japanese people embraced and sought out Democracy from the conquerers. The only case of true nation building on our part is Afganistan.
We weren't trying to establish a democracy in Vietnam. We were trying to stop the spread of communism. Don't laugh. That's the way it was back then. You could say the same thing about Iraq and the Iraqis.