The Gator offense is built to combat defenses like ours. Iowa had a month to prepare for this game and realized that sitting back in zones takes away the quick screens and quick hitting passes from the UF offense. If you can stop the run also, UF has no chance. We'll have to bring this gameplan to the Swamp next year.
Zook is in DEEP SHIT you have to kinda feel sorry for him with Spurrier now hovering in the back ground and the Gators lookin a bit overmatched in this game. That AD is as good as gone too, according to SovietGator
Iowa doesn't need to score here, this game is OVER. Zook is a Special Teams and Defensive Guru, Zaunbrecher and Fedora are Offensive Geniuses, and Chalrie Strong is a Defensive Guru... yeah right...:dis: Boy are Zook and Foley (AD) going to feel the heat during the off season and all through next season with an unemployed Spurrier sitting in his Suite in the Swamp.
Florida can come back if they hold Iowa to three or less points. Iowa tends to lose it in the second half. I typically hate UF and Auburn more than any other SEC team, but come on Gators get it together!