When you're champions, you don't have to have hatred. Why hate teams that you dominate? Do you think 'Cane fans and Buckeye fans spew venemous hate at their rivals? No need to when you're National Champions. It's a love for the Tigers and LSU Football as annual contenders that you're seeing emerge. You're witnessing the beginning of an era.
I agree. Tulane has not kept up their Progam. Very evident when we played them in 2001: 48-17? (Curley Hallman went 4-0 against them..)Is this even Competitive? No difference playing them than any of the usual Pastry teams. Ole Miss hasn't won an SEC championship since '63..LSU won it in 2001 & a share of the West last year. Programs going in different directions.
I'll bet you could find a lot of venom on an Ohio State forum during the week of the Michigan game. Woody Hayes wouldn't even say the word Michigan. He refered to them as "that team from up north" As far as teams that fans love to hate a lot of people hate the New York Yankees and hated the Dallas Cowboys when they were winning but nobody hates the Chicago Cubs or the Saints.
Is anyone else forgetting Ole Miss beating us recently, and then barely getting by them last year. If Ole Miss is washed up, then we have some more work to do. I didn't realize we had their number. I guess we can chalk up that win right now. What I see now is Tiger fans acting like Texas fans, as if we have won 10 straight national titles, and are ranked in the top 10 at the end of every season, or something. I have pride in our sports programs, and proud to be a graduate of LSU, but I'm realisitic about where we actually are right now . . . damn close to being a top flight program but still a team who lost 4 games last year, allowed Arkansas to take away the SEC title game, wasn't ranked at the end of the year, and lost to Texas in a bowl game.
Whatever, my post is not anti-LSU. I'm an LSU fan and always have been. Are any of the things I posted lies or a slanting of the truth. If so, then I'm sorry.