Three run homer... Bases empty...:hihi: Two outs... Stanford 16 - FSU 5 (11 runs scored this inning!)
This is FSU's 19th trip to the CWS. They've never won a national championship in baseball and it's not looking good this year. If they lose this game, they'll need to win four in a row to make the championship series.
Nice start to the series...criminoles go down nicely. Now, lets keep the series going with a Thug U loss!!
Is it just me or does Mark Marquess look nervous no matter what. He looks at the game then looks at the lineup. Chews on his pen. Baseball coaches are a different lot. When he pleaded with the ump during that blown call in the ninth, he wouldn't look at him but kept folding his arms and then go into a clasped hand praying motion. When we beat them in 2000 he couldn't sit still at all, just like today. His BP must be high. :shock:
I’ve been a Stanford doubter all season. Looks like I was wrong. They really took FSU to the woodshed. After all the hype, I wonder how the ACC will fair – wonder what the press will be saying on Monday if the conference is 0-3 by tomorrow night? But I am probably getting ahead of myself. There is a lot of baseball to be played between now and then.