Living in Big 12 country, all I hear about is the big 3 QBs and the offenses in their conference. Not trying to get ahead of myself because there is still another half to play, but I'm not impressed by Tx Tech nor Texas against defenses outside of their conference.
Amazing how the Big 12 QB's are so mediocre in the bowl games. They have been soo... hyped all year. Two very average conferences showing their lack of power. Florida will destroy Oklahoma. :tigereye:
:on't quit the day jobs. Really, the only thing worse than a Big 10 offense is a Big 12 defense. This is THE epic farcical battle of the vastly overrated. It's gonna be close. Flip a coin.
yep 150 to 11 rushing yards. really? 20 of 27 for almost 200 yards in a mediocre half for mccoy? i guess the pick kinda ruined it.
My son and I went to the NC game last year. As we sit and watch the telly 2nite, all I can think about is the drunk OSU fan near us wearing sandals with bad toe hygene. Guy shows up b4 the game drunk and calls out LSU and the SEC. We heckled that poor guy all night. You should have heard the chorus when he left the game early, what a loser ! Go Tigers !