I gets me when these guys come on and rip New Orleans like this, but what do THEY do when they come to New Orleans? They drink, piss, puke, fornicate, yell, get naked..... :champs: :lsug: :champs: :lsup: :champs: :lsug: :champs: :lsup: :champs:
~~~~EXACTLY~~~~ Reminds me of a Groucho Marx comment about wanting to join a club, but then wanting no part of a club that would have him as a member....
BAT, you seem to know alot about those PAC 10 powerhouses. I know what ya mean about the Beav. Just for them, I'll call em something different.
from Ivan Maisel's ESPN.com column posted today from a Beaver fan/student. Nice answer Ivan. Ivan: It doesn't make sense to me why the Beavers would fall in your poll if they play LSU instead of Temple. Knowing that they are the only team in the country to play both national champions from last year ought to make this year's spring practices more intense and should provide more incentive to prepare over the summer. I can only see the Beavers becoming better as a result of playing tougher teams. I'm not saying they'll win necessarily, but it should definitely help them. The Beavers always play some D II-A school or some poor I-A school and start great, but then they have to recover once they hit the conference games. I think that this could be a great motivation factor, and even if they do lose to LSU, it's the beginning of the season and they can recover after that. Thanks for reading this, and thanks for not forgetting about the west coast. Travis Quarles OSU Student Travis, Great point about motivation, but as coaches like to say, all that stops the first time you get hit in the mouth. Instead of playing a beatable team at home, the Beavers have to travel 2,000 miles and two time zones to play one of the best teams in the nation in front of 90,000 fans. And we haven't even gotten to the humidity. Oregon State will sweat more on one Saturday in Baton Rouge than it will during all of spring practice. The switch also means that the Beavers play only five home games instead of six. However, all the Pac-10 contenders come through Corvallis, so that remains a plus.
Dear Travis, You are an idiot. Go back to being a lumberjack and put both of your feet back on the ground. Go ahead and exhale - LSU is going to destroy the mighty Beavers. Love, The Tiger Nation
Yeah, to pretend that I'm at a college football game I make the pilgrimage (yawwwwnnnn) over to Stanford Stadium to watch the Cardinal go down in flames to some dipsh*t team... ...while sitting in the midst of highly disinterested PAC-10 "fans".... ..the only good things are: 1. The booty is nice albeit a little snooty... 2. Blowing people's minds deep fryin' turkeys lefire: 3. If the LSU game is on TV I bring the set and whoop it up. I make more noise cheerin' the Tigahs than THE WHOLE DAMN STADIUM. 4. Laughing my @ss off at the stiff Trojan fans (Biff & Buffy) and doing the goose step to their obnoxious fight song... 5. Getting obnoxiously drunk and throwing sh*t at the Notre Dame team bus after the game as it pulled out of the parking lot. Yes, I have done that too. :cuss: 6. Not going to the game AT ALL and just partying in the lot. Not EVER asking what the score is. 7. The weather is almost always awesome. Early season shorts tracking is INCREDIBLE. Dude - I LOVE the new OSU helmet design... C'mon Tigers - douche douche douche
BayAreaTiger - you get the hell-yeah award for spicing up the west coast - I'm proud of you. I've been to a Stanford football game and had a fairly good time (so true about the booty!!!). I was also on campus sporting an LSU hat a week after the LSU CWS win in 2000 - people were not happy with me...
I gave my boss SO MUCH CRAP after our whippin' of the CHOSEN KIND... THAT WAS AN AWESOME WIN!!!! I still watch it from time to time... Yeah, sometimes people out here think I'm a little touched... ...but I'm ONE JACKED UP HUMAN BEAN(sic) from SoLa... And I just get back up in their grills... Speaking of spicing it up, my wife & I love to entertain (no kids!) and she cooks SoLa with the best of 'em, even though she's originally from SoCal... ...and I know some of the folks at Tony's real well (grew up with 'em) so I get GOOD stuff when I fly some out... No SoCal fan, she's a big LSU fan too (at the AU pre-game this year she says: This is like a big festival!!!) but only when it's live. She hates TV sports.... ...but she abides me my love for the Tigahs... ...so I've kept her for 14 years....
...more beav talk beaverfan4ever Bleeding Black and Orange! Posts: 336 (3/28/04 10:53:47 pm) Hey, wow, every article posted from a national magazine was at least 9 years ago...impressive. Add on to the fact that all the players and coaches listed on that site hardly ever play in the Big House or at Ohio State or even Autzen, and it's not altogether as impressive as you make it sound. Congratulations on being the number one "party school" in America according to the Princeton Review, though. That's almost as impressive as being semi-National Champs ---------------------------------------- Giantkillers BeaverFootball.com Valued Visitor Posts: 21 (3/29/04 8:54:41 am) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Been there, done that, yes it is loud but I don't think it was as intimidating as all that. Many other venues are just as loud and just as impressive. I have been at quite a few including the Rose Bowl, Sun Devil Stadium, Reser, autzen, U of Washington, Notre Dame Stadium and any can be intimidating when your team is in command, however; have the opposing team score a couple of times and they all seem much more quiet and serene. If the Beavs get a lead ( not saying we are going to win, but not saying we won't either) it will be much more friendly and even a little less muggy inside Death Valley. Go Beavers!!! tigermike5 BeaverFootball.com First Time Poster Posts: 1 (3/30/04 10:07:33 am) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a cousin that attends Ohio State U. and he came home for the LSU/Ga game last year and he and his girlfrien were covering their ears and they both said their stadium nor the big house are ever that loud. OrangeAttack BeaverFootball.com Administrator Posts: 3041 (3/30/04 10:29:37 am) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The accoustics of the Big House don't lend themselves to a noisy atmosphere.. it's a wide-open layout, where the cheap seats are a long way from the field. The 'Shoe is pretty loud though.. but no more so than Autzen Stadium (which Lloyd Carr called the loudest venue he had ever coached in) and Husky Stadium, which in 1991 recorded a dB level higher than that of a jet engine on takeoff, on the field. Death Valley has a reputation for being loud.. but don't think that it's the first noisy place we've ever played. sregitusl BeaverFootball.com Valued Visitor Posts: 12 (3/30/04 12:40:05 pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ive been to autzen and its no where near as loud as tiger stadium......as a matter of fact if it werent for the uofo of nike adding on to the stadium, they would still be in the ranks of reser stadium..... OrangeAttack BeaverFootball.com Administrator Posts: 3045 Reply again... size isn't everything. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No one is saying that Autzen is louder than Tiger Stadium.. but when you're talking about a venue that's so loud you can't hear the audibles or even the playcall when you're all in the huddle together, whether one is louder than the other or not is a moot point. You can't hear yourself think whether it's 120 dB or 122dB. It doesn't matter. WTATS BeaverFootball.com Valued Visitor Posts: 4 Reply Re: again... size isn't everything. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'Shoe is pretty loud though.. but no more so than Autzen Stadium (which Lloyd Carr called the loudest venue he had ever coached in) OrangeAttack BeaverFootball.com Administrator Posts: 3046 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignoring the juvenile johnson trash-talk, I didn't say that Autzen is as loud as Death Valley. Loud is loud. Once you get to the point where you have to read lips, it doesn't matter if it rises 2 more dB's or not.. you can't hear anything one way or another. beaverfan4ever Bleeding Black and Orange! Posts: 338 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LSU fans seem to be really concerned with SIZE, when all OA is trying to say is that there comes a certain level when a stadium is just "loud", regardless of how loud it actually is. I went to the Civil War game in Autzen this year, and was amazed at how little difference there was between Reser and Autzen. Surely there was, but even with the stadium being 20,000 seats bigger, only the acoustics felt louder. I remember after the expansion that they said the stadium would be "10,000 times louder than ever before", but that's ridiculous. There simply isn't a lot of difference between 45,000 and 55,000, and if you get a loud enough stadium and a fired up crowd, between 55,000 or 75,000 and 92,000. Bring on the Bayou. Autzen, Husky, heck, even Fresno are intimidating atmospheres with loud crowds (less so in the case of Fresno). Call yourself "best" if you feel the need, but the fact is, loud is loud. Interesting story posted on that site though: Tiger Stadium is ranked as the 6th toughest stadium to play at. At number 2 (?) is Washington and number 10 is Oregon. Guess you guys aren't "toughest" after all ---------------------------------------- Bada Bing Beav