I haven't seen all of New Jersey, but my uncle lives in Piscataway ( me tinks me spelt dat rite!) and it's a cool place. No idea about the IQ thing, altho my uncle has a Doctorate in EE from U of Illinois. He was a big boss for the phone company up there before he retired. RE: Partypoker and other sites... check out this link: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=7509074&an=0&page=0#Post7509074 Wasn't it Lincoln that said "big government would only hurt the people of this country" or something like that.
i know this is the gambling thread but i am using is as an all-purpose illegal things thread. my marijuana buying pal recently found his seller and is paying 425$ an ounce for his weed. just thinking about it drives me insane. pure gold is around 600 an ounce i think. pretty soon it might be cheaper to smoke that. 425 for an ounce of a crappy plant i could grow in my backyard. i imagine every middle man between the buyer and the seller gets a huge cut of the money, and i guess they deserve it, having to sneak around and be at risk of arrest. its ****ing ridiculous. and my friend could find another seller, but it is hard because the whole thing is so shady and you cant just deal with any hoodlum with hundreds of dollars in your pocket. the government tries so hard to ruin the free market. this is yet another situation where the government prevents capitalism from happening as it it should, to the detriment of everyone involved. so shady dudes have a monopoly on marijuana selling. you do not have the option to buy from a respectable fellow, for a better price, not because of a failing of the market, but a failing of the government. another example of how monopoly cannot exist without the help of the government.
You forgot the part about how the shady dudes sometimes get in turf wars and kill each other and sometime someone's gramma gets killed by mistake. As bad as beer may be for me, I have never been killed in a cross fire between to rival liqour store owners. I have never even been wounded in such an incident.
You forgot to think about how this wouldn't happen if the drug was legal & sold out of your liquor store... The government has in effect created the violence.
I'm not pro-pot. I think pot smells bad. I can't stand to be around people who are high. I am pro personal liberty. If you are enough of a dumb ass to smoke pot I don't think it is the government's place to tell you not to.