How ridiculous you look. You can't even admit the obvious. You are the ridiculous loon my friend. You can't even admit that there millions of people around the country today protesting our out of control tax system and wasteful government spending.
Definitely not your friend and your right wing propaganda is getting very old. You hypocrisy is even more obivious. You didnt have a problem with the last 8 years of out of control government, but now a Democrat is in office, you have a problem with it. Millions my azz, just a bunch of rich conservative groups with nothing else to do but look like hypocrites. You included
Of course you do. You're both left-wing liberals who can't stand that people have finally had enough of your social and politial agendas. How laughable that you and Krugman marginalize this grassroots movement. How about and Billionaire leftist Soros and the role they played in electing leftist Obama? I heard about it through e-mail from friends and Facebook. I guess that was because of a handful of super-rich conservatives. How much of other people's money do you want? 43.4% of the people of this republic pay no federal income taxes. I'm quite confident you are in that group. Keep denying the obvious. Just as Bush ignited the left-wing loons like yourself, Obama has done the same for the Right.
So you admit your a loon, finally some truth from you. Where were you when Bush cut taxes but increased govt spending? Where was your tea party then for out of control govt spending. People got tired of it and elected a democrat, because your republican president failed. Just like you have failed at being honest. Hypocrit. Im quite confident you dont know what your talking about. Im also quite confident that I pay taxes. I have owed the last few years, what about you?
...and higher taxes. i think youre wrong about the protesters being rich. i think most are middle class but are gullible sheep.
You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. I was one of the most vocal and earliest critics of Bush. I was critical of Bush 2 years into his first term. Bush handed the White House and control of congress to the Democrats. He WAS HORRIBLE. This problem has been coming long before Obama. He's just made it MUCH, MUCH worse.
Where have you been? The People have recently rejected 8 years of right-wing social and political agendas. That's what they have finally had enough of.
Ha. That's what I thought. You can't defend your accusations. Tell me. What percentage of a person's money do you want to take in taxes? How much of a person's wealth do you think you have a right to? I am one of the few American's who is carrying the rest of you on my back.
you just proved yourself to be an idiot. You couldnt carry me in a wheelbarrel with help from your fellow tea baggers. How are you carrying me on your back. Do you pay my mortgage, car loans, homeowners insurance, property taxes, do you buy my food. I mean if you are carrying me, I can send you my CC bill after one of my wifes shopping adventures. you are really just talking out of your azz right now, but I am enjoying the show.