One of the best quotes from Dany Don ever!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Maderan, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. NOSA

    NOSA Founding Member

    I know DD is just a fan, but the comment is sour grapes and unnecesary.
  2. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    What sour grapes?

    DD speaks the truth.

    Why play for an obviously inferior coaching staff, AND out of state to boot?

    If'n ya don't wanna dance with me, then good luck with that ugly dude...

    I guess you're one of those guys that says "Oh well" when the Tigers lose...

    Nice passion, dude.

    Or general lack thereof.

    PS Are you SURE you're on the right board???

    :lsup: :lsug: :lsup: :lsug: :lsup: :lsug: :lsup:

  3. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    I would think that winning 2 major conference championships and 1 national championship (versus 0 and 0 on the part of Brown/Davis) would make saying Saban/Fischer is the superior combo as obvious as saying the sky is blue.

    Am I missing something?
  4. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    could macv72 be an undercover UT operative?
  5. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    :lol: Maybe so...

    Most people feel the same way Dandy Don feels. I personally hope in-state players that choose to go out of state dont do very good. Sorry, but thats just the way many people feel about it. Its not a lack of class in the least, its bleeding your state colors and having passion for your state's team.
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    I think a lot of LSU fans check out Dandy Don because he does bleed P & G. He is a fan and he makes no bones about it. He does not profess to be affiliated with the university any more than those of us who post here (except TE who constantly implies insider knowledge). If I want to read about LSU's alleged dirty laundry, I can always check out the Times Picayune.
  7. lsUdaddy

    lsUdaddy Freshman

    A couple of comments....

    Dandy is not officially affiliated with LSU, and his readers know this because he has that message posted on his website for everyone to see.

    And regarding his comment about RP playing for a team that will finish second or third in the Big 12 ...... that's not a personal attack ..... it's reality. They will never beat OU as long as Stoops is around. Besides, Mac B. is a crappy coach who can't take that wealth of recruiting talent he has and win the big ones ..... that's a personal attack.

    In general, I don't have a problem with the Louisiana Blue Chippers playing at out of state universities. Off course I'd prefer they didn't, but this aint the military and they're not wanting to join the Mexican army instead of the US, so if they want to go out of state.....adios. I guess state loyalty is not that big of an issue to me. Saban will always get the lions share anyway. Now saying that, Ryan Perlioux has annoyed me with the comments about him being the best high school qb in the nation. Ok, when he was (per DD) a lock for LSU, I laughed a little but still thought that sounded stupid coming from a high school kid. Now that he's not, his comments have provided me a reason for disliking him. Simple as that.
  8. MobileBengal

    MobileBengal Founding Member

    Personally, I hurt myself. Not intentionally, but you know how it goes. Coordination and motor skills are long gone by the end of a game.
  9. mike5705

    mike5705 Founding Member

    macv72 should shut is f'in mouth and stop bad talking a good man who gives his OPINION every day and gives FREE recruiting information to tiger fans. o yea and wow texas beat a first year starter marcus randall IN TEXAS. shut it and dont bad mouth a great person again. thanks:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

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