FightinTiger Just so we could all learn how much tougher coaching is then sitting on our butts yelling at the TV
I would peg him as one just for the hell of it Granted, I actually LIKE FT but the amount and the way he bitches really does make me want to see him on the field.
Someone should wake you up and tell you to order a tombstone pizza with arsenic and extra cheese . Heavy on the arsenic too. That ought to be good for some more Red right Grad :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't give red for posts I disagree with or for posts with great humor (Like yours). I just give red out randomly to as many people as possible... and as often as possible. By the way, I don't like extra cheese on my pizza.
I knew you had major problems and i am sorry. I will never be friends with anyone who doesnt like extra cheese. Are you a communist. Extra cheese is every Americans right and guaranteed to us by the constitution. How will we ever watch a game together , My life has been ruined by you. DaXmn you Grad. DaXmn you!!!!!! :bncry: :bncry: :bncry: I suppose you dont drink margaritas and eat corndogs either.