Look, I can't hate EVERYBODY!! One enemy at a time, please! I'm not through hating Bauburn. . . after all . . . they still have a football team (but not a very GOOD football team). :geaux: :lsug:
I hate Ole Miss more than anyone else. It is mainly because my dad was a student here from 62-66. Then he held season tickets all my life. He hated Ole Miss and it rubbed off on me. Geaux to Hell Ole Miss is one of the best cheers in college football.
If you are looking for intellectual stimulation I suggest you go somewhere other than a football fan forum. Still, that's a pretty harsh statement. I'd like to elevate myself to your level. What do you read while you're whacking the ole weiner?
I think you should re-phrase that to say, "they are still breathing." Cause I think your hatred spreads far past just the football team. WAR DAMN EAGLE
As much as I dislike Ole Piss, I'd like for them to beat Auburn--distance ourselves as far from a 3-way-tie like the East is in for and then hand Ole Piss their butts in 2 weeks and take care of business and win the division out-right. ....But something tells me that Ole Piss is gonna lose to Auburn today..
What do you expect from an "Ole Hag wif a numb wiggle 'woirm'"? If this is too "deep" for ya SIR....it's a reference to the "female vestigal phallus"! As you prolly know, wimminz were "men" in their previous life. LOLOLOL