Huh? What am I missing on this one? Gyp is the name of the dude that played on Boardwalk Empire. Is it short for Gypsy or something?
Why not? "man, that coke machine gyp'd me" ; "I got gyp'd at the drive through" I see nothing wrong with that Hell we used to say jew bastard
Gyp is like Jew, it's gypsy, like to rip off a person like a gypsy. Yunno like you can Jew em down on the price or gyp em.
So true. WAY back when I first started coaching I was talking to my team in the locker room/coach's office after a game. Someone knocked on the door then kicked it. I walked to the door, opened it and, to the adult standing there, I said, "You got a problem boy!" There were a few words but door closed and I walked out with the team later to no problem. Next morning get called into assistant principal's office and asked what happened. Told him and he said, "'Boy' is a racial term when used towards a black man. My assistant principal was black. I was really shocked, had never heard that. I paused, speechless, then said, "Well Mr. _____ the only persons who know that would have to be racist cause I never have."
My neighbor is a teacher at a local high school. Recently he was breaking up a fight between a couple of 14-year-olds when one of them started yelling insults and taking swings at him and connected with a few. So my neighbor had to take the kid down to the floor telling him, "You have better settle down, boy, or I'm calling the cops". He could have had the kid expelled, but he just handled it himself. Just another day in 9th grade. An hour later he got reprimanded by his black female principal who told him that he could not use the word "boy" to young black men because it was a fighting word. My neighbor (who has 35 years in the system and can retire at any time) replied "Yeah, well so is motherfucker, which is what he was calling me!", turned on his heels and walked out. He never heard another word about it. My point is that an individual can make any word racist or take any word as racist if he is in a racial frame of mind. Knowing this, a smart man is careful in choosing his words, but you can't walk on eggshells all your life either, worrying about who you might offend or who may be trying to offend you.