You can get any kind of dink you want at those joints. The straw still being in the wrapper skirts open container laws. God I love Louisiana!
Sheeeiit. You get into some of those stronger daiquiris and it doesn't matter who's drinking them, it's lights out. The one on Greenwell Springs was popular when I was down there. They had one that was made with 151 and Everclear...seen many a man lose at drinking messing with those.
My good friend owns that place, Daiquiri Cafe, home of the Attitude Adjustment. He told me what was in those, like 7 different liquors. Now I want one.
yep yep, I'm usually good for one daiquiri a year and it is usually red. Damn things give me brain freeze and that lump of matter inside my dome is locked up enough as it is, don't need to help it. Those fuggers will put you down if you aren't careful
Well, I did tell you that you had a place to stay if LSU/OU keeps that home & home. Offer stands, hell my inlaws invade the case de toups at will, why the hell can't I bring mofo's that I actually want up in here. I will take all you hooligans. May have to get another keg o rater but what they hell, nothing wrong with having 3.