Okie and I were discussing her new storm shelter recently. The big storm missed her by just a few miles. No way I'd live in tornado alley without one.
Are they just concrete bunker type basements? I'm not aware of any around here in Austin.....those things (tornado's) look scary as S..T!
I have a huge master closet in the interior of my house that is my current storm shelter, and I suppose it could be retro-fitted as a safe room. More and more, the underground type in the backyard is sounding good to me. The weather bulletins I keep getting here at school today are getting me a little anxious, as we're now in the bulls-eye of a moderate risk of tornadoes by this afternoon. We also keep getting periods of sunshine which only serve to heat up the atmosphere even more. And of course, there's no safe room at a school (I'm an exterior room as it is and have to evacuate to the hallway.)
They (at least weathermen here) are very good at what they do. They can and do predict with great accuracy the where and when. You just have to pay attention and heed the warning.
you are right on the edge of dixie alley. hell, some county in MS has the highest risk of any in the country.
Tell your husband he can build an underground man cave in the back yard. You'll get your storm shelter no problemo