Oklahoma and the BCS Championship Game are all that matter

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by dallastigers, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. Golfdude

    Golfdude Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    IF THEY ARE SPLIT IT DOES. It has been common knowledge amongst college football fans, the world over, that the AP poll is the, agreed upon, final word. All arguments can be made but they always end with "But the AP champ is------" . It has been that way since 1936. The BCS Championship IS the ESPN/Coaches poll. Only around for 30 years. Looked upon as a wanna' be. The "coaches" don't even vote in it.

    Do you have "proof " that the ESPN poll means more than the AP???

    If you do not agree with my assessment of the worlds perspective of these two polls worths......that is fine.....actually it is great......because debate is what makes College Football fun.
    But you may want to really think about it......really think about it.

    That's fair. Don't be dissappointed with me. But, I guess a split (if it happens) is better than no Championship at all.

    And no, Michigan will not win a National Championship. But the fate of 2 teams chances rest in the Wolverines hands.

    M wins: BCS game winner is UNDISPUTED.
    M loses: Title of Champ is, probably, SPLIT.

    Odd.....isn't it.
    Go Blue!!!
  2. TundraTiger

    TundraTiger Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Yep its the voters that are flawed, mathematically OU and LSU are better, no matter how some homer freaking pollsters feel. I still have that lingering gripe...
  3. Golfdude

    Golfdude Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    Sorry JS.

    I didn't mean to get anybody's panties in a bunch.

    Just "callin' 'em' like I see 'em".......
    "Tellin' it like it is".......
    "Just the facts, Sir, just the facts"......

    By the way, JS....nice example of typing, puncuation and grammer.

    Thanks for reading all of my posts.....please feel free to continue.
  4. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    GOLF DUDE has a great point ... and ... the AP #1 should fall to LSU after a win over OK ... and this will be a MOOT POINT

    AP Poll ... Red, White & Blue ... Tried, trusted and true since 1936

    15 points ... lol, not much of a mountain to climb ... and we'd probably be there already had the Offense showed up in the Ole Pi$$ game.

    Nuff said!
  5. dallastigers

    dallastigers Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Since you live in the past and you must know more than the BCS teams and their respective conferences as to what they consider to be the National Champion I will think about it......really think about it.
  6. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Golf dude actually my gammar is fine she is really old though. LOL
    BTW my typing sucks not my grammar, you see back when i went to school during typing I watched Amber Boyd's legs. I was also somewhat of a ladies man, so Mrs. Lott the typing teacher passed me because I was a great football player and I flirted with her somewhat.
    What did you do? play golf?
    hey you know what? Long ago when men cursed the air and beat sticks upon the ground they called it witch craft, now they call it golf.
    You also might want to come on into the 21st century and read what dallas just posted.
    It's amazing that a stupid iliterate like myself can make 50K a year drag racing LOL only in America I LOVE IT
    and thats not even MY real job!
    What's Golf paying these days?
    thats what I thought.
  7. Golfdude

    Golfdude Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    Dallas and JS......
    How did this turn into such angry post towards me? Look at the title of the thread......."Oklahoma and the BCS Championship Game are all that matter "......All I have tried to point out is how unture this statement is in the bigger picture of College Football. If you guys don't get it by now....you never will.......
    The LSU fans and family should be outraged at the travesty of justice that has been served upon us by our very saviors.....The BCS.
    If I am correct in my assessments of your mindsets......You are completely satisfied and happy to be playing the #3 ranked team in the country for a, possible, split National Championship.
    Ok, I'll buy that....whatever makes you feel pleased.

    Dallas you should have called your thread
    " Everything is great in Tigerland becasue I never take off my Purple and Gold glasses and look into the outside world and get a grasp of reality".

    JS.....Is that last post an attempt at sarcastic wit? Or is that really you? Either way you are an embarassment to Mrs. Lott and this posting board. Oh, and golf pays alot better than drag racing.
  8. dallastigers

    dallastigers Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    What is "unture"? Why tile instead of title? You may want to take a look at you grammar(....) and typing skills before you complain about others like you did when you wrote "By the way, JS....nice example of typing, puncuation and grammer."

    LSU is playing the #1 ranked BCS team and again that is all that matters and is all we can control. I am satisfied. I am not sure you are really a LSU fan, but if you are you should know the depths of where this program has been. This is a great time to be an LSU fan, and I will not let some reporters, USC, and people like yourself take me down.

    You have bought into the USC mindset and to be honest I think that is where you are coming from. You cannot think for yourself, and you let the AP and USC think for you.

    By the way I will still "think about it......really think about it."
  9. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    GolfDude may be coming across like a USC fan but his points are valid and there is only one way to stop this landslide of sentiment towards USC...MICHIGAN MUST WIN..PERIOD! There will be no other way for our game to be the focal point if they dont win.

    Regardless of what you call the sugar bowl, the media and the public are already tarnishing the game. Major outlets are already calling the Rose Bowl the "other" National Title Game. The public is already embrassing it. There is no doubt about it, if you are an LSU fan you MUST PULL FOR MICHIGAN. I am not going to stick my head in the sand and ignore that game because if we win our title will forever have an asterik by it therebey stealing the limelight for our deserving program.

    Just look at Dennis "douchbag" Dodds column claiming that if USC wins they get 75% of the title. MORE BS. But also look at the poll there, over 55% are saying the USC-MICH game is better. GET IN THERE AND VOTE PEOPLE. The court of public opinion is already hurting the national take on our game.


    Here we have si.com stating there are 2 title games.


    And ESPN calling the BSC a joke and refering to another title game.


    And foxports calling the sugar bowl a "disaster".


    Make no mistake, MICHIGAN MUST WIN or we will forever be remembered as the "other" national champion. The court of public opinion and media coverage will make our claims in here worthless. If USC wins, they will get all the media hype and we all know it. Bottom line...MICHIGAN MUST WIN!!!
  10. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    You guys need to relax! Who gives a rat's ass about what anyone thinks?

    This is all I need know ... LSU will play OU in the Sugar Bowl for the National Championship. Nothing else matters!

    And I will be there ... now all I need is a damn ticket! LOL

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