I got my copy on Tuesday--found out in was in stores...called...they said it was checked in and I went after work and picked one up--no problem. I beat the rush because no one new they were in. I was disappointed with the "in-game" stuff associated with LSU and Tiger Stadium. Although they did a pretty darn good job with the graphics of the stadium (save for the minor details of the "H" cross bars, yard-markers every 5 yards, etc.), the biggest thing I was upset with was that they don't play our first-down song/cheer like they do other schools (USC, A&M, Florida State, Notre Dame, etc.). My first comment about that was, "WHAT?! How could they leave that out 2 YEARS IN A ROW--Especially for a team that has TRADITIONALLY been considered one of the best college football game experiences!" Other than that, like I said, they improved tramedously on the graphics. The only thing about our team that ticks me off is our defensive backfield. They're FAR from being impressive. Christ! I gave up over 300 yards passing to BOTH ULM & Arizona through the first 2 games (but I still won both 49-21 and 24-14 respectively). Played one game with Ohio St. (just for comparison) and the computer didn't even break 200 yards passing. ...and in all 3 games, I played on "All-American" level.
Stuff like that would happen to me in 2003. I would would totally ball over someone like Auburn and then I would have my mid-season creampuff game and they played like all-stars. ULM once snagged 4 INTS in the first half once, only converted one for a TD but still it's frustrated marching down the field and toss an INT.
Tell me about it! For the first time in my life, I really "gave 2 $hits" about ULM--I wanted their team burried!!! I hate 'em now!!! :sob:
Yeah...I don't ever "pre-order" anything online.... I think your situation is a prime example. You pre-order it, thinking it will get to you sooner than going to the stores--or will save you time and hassle trying to locate one. Good in theory, but.... Heh...I think everyone "pre-ordered" it online. You could probably walk right into any electronics store nationwide and pick a copy up. --Everyone's waiting for their's to arive via mail.
I suggest that everyone check out the stadium preview of Tiger Stadium. Everything looks awesome, except for the goal posts.