Bandit, you're not the only one I've seen express this concern but I have to say that I don't understand where it's coming from. We have GREAT depth at RB. CS is a known commodity. If CS went down, I believe KW would flourish if allowed to get into a rhythm as the number one guy. RM: same as KW. Ridley will be fine. Ford won't see anything beyond mop-up this year. The fact that we have that kind of talent sitting on the bench behind EXPERIENCED talent speaks for the recruting of the last few years.
The strength difference between a 300 lb guy and a 350 lb guy is minimal. The speed difference, however, will be more noticeable. I have faith there.
If we get lucky and don't sustain injuries to CS or KW (or both ), then there is zero issue. But, if CS is out, I don't think KW is nearly as versatile or even close to being an every down back. Just a hunch, really, from watching him closely for a few years. And, I think RM lacks the size to mix it up as well. So, what I'm saying is that we'll be using a lot more of our younger and smaller backs. Problem? Not necessarily. Just a question mark in my mind. If Ridley is healthy and ready to go (and it appears he might be), then I think it's very likely the question will be answered. Of course, the freshman FB from Tenn we landed in 2009 may just step in and be ready to go by U-Dub. If so - that answers the question as well. But that's not likely.
Strength isn't just about lifting weights. A 350lb guy, with the right build, can be immensely more powerful than a 300lb guy that benches and squats a similar body weight percentage. I totally agree about the agility factor (speed), though.
The last few great LSU offensive lines have been characterized as having great size and strength. We'll have to see how they do this year. It's interesting that both offensive tackles are a lot bigger than the guards and centers.
A good summer with Moffit should help. I find that the summer conditoning is what seperates a team with potential into either a great team or a good team. Chemistry is developed, and a strong, in shape team has a better, more focused fall camp. It seems like when we hear how great a summer camp the team had (03,07) we have a better year than when rumor is it's not as good (99,04,08)
I believe this to be directly correlated with hunger. 2006 got close but no cigar. They were believed to be playing better than any team in the country but were not allowed to prove it. That's almost as bad as completely missing expectations and going 8-5.