You won. Suck it up and be gracious you stupid prick. You had a lucky good day. I do hope it was not ruined when your meth head drunk sister screamed your dad's name while you rolled over on her and showed her how pigs do it.
Did you seriously just try to impress a bunch of people on a message board with your house and car? :rofl::rofl:
trailer! helmet! learn to spell. i don't think anyone here is impressed with how big your imaginary wheels are on your imaginary cadillac.
Stuff? You mean a busted azz camper, an El Camino and a kel tec .380/hipointe pos. Either way "fitty" suck start that mofo and save society some money.
I love when a Rival fan will start to discuss the kind of car they drive and the house they live in to make their point. "See I drive a Cadillac I must be smart" Classic and so Alabama.... As for the SEC title game, sadly I think Bama beats UF. I think Bama is a better team. Just my opinion.