ok game time ...talk to me

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by xlnsports, Dec 30, 2005.

  1. blindside517

    blindside517 Founding Member

    ha....what a impressive win....i really cant wait for next year but at the same time i am really gonna miss these seniors....
  2. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    He should have started long before this. This is the first honest look I've had, anybody has had watching him in anything other than mop up. He should start, no question.
  3. TennesseeTiger

    TennesseeTiger Founding Member

    Yeah, I'm really going to miss Skyler, for one. He's f'U'n to watch...
  4. Dirt Dog

    Dirt Dog Founding Member

    Hey.....throw it deep!
  5. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Miles talks like Rainman and looks like Bush faced with a hard question but I love that SOB
  6. TennesseeTiger

    TennesseeTiger Founding Member

    It's almost over for the 'U'...they can slink o'U't of Atlanta and head back to the palm trees and bad homemade rap m'U'sic...
  7. tigerball

    tigerball Founding Member

    What a game.

    Miles even spoke well with Swannie.

    Credit to the O line.
  8. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    "The right man for the right time."

  9. TennesseeTiger

    TennesseeTiger Founding Member

    I think we need to have a new spelling for "L'U'ser"
  10. xlnsports

    xlnsports Cajun In Exile

    night all...thanks for talking it made the game more enjoyable....cya later have a great new year

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