Lawyers are generally thought of in a low opinion, and defense lawyers are certainly the sub-specie, until you need one. Probably only Congress is despised more, and aren't most of them lawyers anyway? Usually only in the movies do murder trials resemble a dog and pony show, but the original OJ trial delivered. Cochran was an exceptional attorney that did what he could, within the law, to get his client acquitted. But it was a sad day for America that race was allowed to factor so heavily. Furman was/is a racist, but the evidence against OJ was incontrovertible, and OJ walked because the furor over "the man" was enough. With only half of that evidence, you could prove the Pope murdered Elvis. It's sad because it did nothing to help race relations between the black/white community, and ultimately you have to search far and wide to find anyone, black or white that believes the man was innocent. All that aside, OJ and his arrogance is reaping the karma now. I wonder what he gets for an autograph in prison?