oh great, baseball stadium will probably be delayed again.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by swoop, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. Mike in Memphis

    Mike in Memphis Old Tiger

    Is it possible LSU could move ahead with the indoor practice facility? I know that is very important to the new coaches.

    :eek:ldskule: :tigbas:
  2. heaphus

    heaphus Founding Member

    I've seen the renderings on the makeyourpitch site however, I've not been to any other SEC, or "national powerhouse program" stadium. Does anyone have a feel for how the new Alex Box will really stack up comparatively? Thanks.
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  3. orlandotiger

    orlandotiger GEAUX TIGERS!

    There might be some reason for discourse but overall after Katrina things are going to change. Subcontractors are busy and they know they are needed and charge top dollar for thier services. Then add on to the fact that materials are hard to get the costs just goes up and up. When FL got hit with all those hurricanes most bids that we got were good for 7 days only and things like block work, concrete, roofing, and especially steel were only good for 2-3 days. If you didn't get them a signed contract in that amount of time you were SOL!!! I remember calling a steel sub 6 days after he turned in his bid and his bid had risen 22%!

  4. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    They keep going at this rate and LSU will end up playing in Goldsby Park.
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  5. macatak911

    macatak911 CRAIG STELTZ = BEAST

    or the Parade Grounds...
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  6. friedriches

    friedriches mr. t

    I hereby declare Alex Box Stadium v 2.0 a "I'll believe it when I see it" item in the Official LSU Lore.
  7. goldengirlfan

    goldengirlfan simple man

    I hope they are planning some really nice accessibility features, ramps, etc. By the time it's open, I'll need them. :hihi:
  8. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Well it's hard to get a feel for how the new stadium will look, because I doubt it will end up looking ANYTHING how it is proposed. With having said that, there are some KILLER parks around the SEC and the South in general. Notables are at Ole Miss, UF, Florida State and probably my favorite: Auburn's Samford Stadium-Hitchcock Field at Plainsman Park. It's also funny that SC has one of the better stadiums in the SEC with Sarge Frye and are currently looking to build yet a newer one. LSU is in dire needs folks. While the stadium itself looks really great, the facilities are severely lacking.
  9. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    we need a new PMAC that will generate revenue far more than we need a new baseball stadium as a shrine to Skip!!
  10. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31


    The PMAC is roughly 40 years newer than Alex Box and is adequately equipped and sufficient. Alex Box is NOT adequately equipped nor is it sufficient when compared to other parks around the country. As it is, it's the "worst" park in the SEC. Tulane will be building a new park and that would definitely be the dagger to the heart as far as LSU baseball is concerned. As it is right now, Tulane is head and shoulders above LSU. LSU certainly can't afford to lose any more ground if it wants to continue as the best baseball program in the state. ABS cannot be renovated or improved on any more than it already has been.

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