good call Tirk, he is MONEY! JS.......... pulling for Mrs. Saban. Nick, if momma aint happy aint nobody happy,
We need someone to break into his home and have a scene like the end of Christmas Vacation where the boss realizes that the money isn't the most important thing... I'll call Clark Griswald, you guys get everything else in line...
Well said. Show him the money!!! Those saying to let him move on, have already forgot about the 90's. :dis:
Well said. Let's thank him for what he has done unless he is willing to say I am not going to interview for another NFL job until I'm fired or retire !
if you set goals in life, you'd never make such statements knowing you and your family's priorities eventually change and then you'd be called a liar once you adapt to them. What if he had 3 or 4 .500 or below seasons in a row. Would the administration and fanbase be forever committed to him? I'll let you answer that one but I'll spot you two letters, NO! This entire discussion is lacking any perspective in today's coaching environment.
I find this doubtful, first off, because Nick Saban currently does not make $3 million dollars (2 mil plus 1 mil does not equal 4 mil). I'd rather see him go, too, if that's the case. Besides, Skip has already been quoted in the past as saying they can't match an NFL owner dollar for dollar, so why even try?
maybe they offered 4 mill to match another offer. see how that works? same load of crap spewed 5 years ago, we can't afford a million dollars nor does a coach deserve it. then of course, no one deserves 2 mill. now 4 mill. All made idiots for thinking that old school way and buying into the academia side of the argument which strappled LSU into the losing-est period in its history. When someone wants to pay 50 bucks a ticket to watch me take a chemistry exam, you let me know. you guys are completely blind or just really bad at math. maybe both.
I disagree Tirk, I just don't think we can have him hold us hostage every offseason. I know he has done more for the university and especially for athletics but I would have to say there comes a point in time where you say this is how much we will pay you to coach here, when he and LSU signed that 7 year contract last season I think that was it. Just my opinion.
Where is Saban holding LSU hostage? Miami wants him and his agent is doing what he's paid to do, i.e. look out for Nick's best interests. I haven't seen where any demands have been made on LSU to pony up or lose him. Nobody has to like it if Coach Saban leaves, but neither can anyone blame him.