HORSE the Krewe... We tailgate in the Free Speech alley in the circle. We call the area the 4 Square Arena, cause its where we play 4 square.
For the Oregon State game I was directly under the tower, I mean right under it. Is that where you are talking about?
Well, usually I'm in the field off Astor Street, but since this is an early game, I'll likely be wandering around the PMAC.....
I live close to campus and most games we party at the house until fairly close to gametime. It's nice having the TV to watch afternoon SEC games, not to mention the kitchen, the A/C, and the head. But we go up to campus to join friends tailgating fairly often, too. Tomorrow I'm tailgaiting with friends in the lot just north of Lockett Hall.
captain... you should look for me when we come out of the bandhall, ask somebody about the baritone section leader and they will come find me! Unfortunately we will be swamped tomorrow but I can still find time to meet you. we have 7:30 practice till 8:45 and are leaving for the stadium around 9:45 or 10:00. Did I mention that the band hates JP Sports!
Come on over. Jon Alcon's (drum captain) brother tailgates with us, so Jon usually comes by for a little while. If you make it over, ask for Podnuh. I should be around most of the morning.
You gotta watch out for red. He'll catch you off guard and sneak one in on ya every now and then... :wink: