Merry Christmas and Happy New Yeaar to all Tiger Fans. I hope ND fans have a good Christmas, because we're gonna ruin their New Year.:geauxtige
I haven't been on here for a long while and I miss you guys! well, some of you! j/k Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I wish everyone here at TF a joyous, merry and happy Christmas and New Year. In addition I pray for everyone to be safe as they travel to be with and enjoy their family and friends. Also, I would like to thank all of our military at this time of year for helping to keep freedom free and especially to those that will not be with their family this year for Christmas. I hope and that we all remember the true reason for the season. Happy Birthday Jesus! Heather :geauxtige
THANK YOU!!!!!! THANKS TO ALL YOU GUYS FOR PUTTING UP WITH AN OLD MAN WITH LIMITED KNOWLEDGE.............ALMOST ALL OF YOU ARE GREAT.....SOME ARE JUST GOOD:hihi: BUT I WISH THE VERY BEST FOR EACH OF YOU............................ KICK SOME IRISH BUTT--------------------------------------:geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige
I am lucky to have been born in the USA at this time in our country's history, I am thankful for being raised in South Louisiana, I am proud to be an LSU fan and I enjoy reading most of the post on this forum. I know without Brett's efforts and the financial contributions of the members… this forum would not be possible, but the dialog and post between those who post regularly make this a great place to keep up with the Tigers. Merry Christmas and safe travels to all, and a happy and prosperous 2007 to each of you. SKB :usaflagwa :laflagwav LSU!
T'was eary Christmas morning and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except an insomniac Okie with a mouse.... Merry Christmas y'all!!