i finally learned something today. props to me. electoral college The key is this part, "A vote for the candidates for President and Vice-President named on the ballot is a vote for the electors..." This is the case for 48 states -- it's known as the "winner-take-all system." The other system, known as the "district system," is observed in both Maine and Nebraska. In these states, two electors' votes are made based on the candidate who received the most votes statewide. The remaining electoral votes go by congressional districts, awarding the vote to the candidate who received the most votes in each district. wasnt aware of the 'district system' states.
Bush widens Ohio lead to 123K with 96.2 % reporting. That would be sufficient not to haggle over. Even with provisional ballots, which Dems are claiming to be 200K at this point. Maybe that number will grow magically tomorrow morning.
You are better with numbers than me, but Kerry would have to win ~85% of those provisional ballots to have a chance, which is way beyond any statistical probability (unless Mary Poppins shows up numerous times).
Basically a done deal here. Especially when you keep in mind that they are provisional ballots. Not all of them will even be valid and that 200k number will dwindle down before they are all ultimately counted. Damn you conservatives for pulling it out! and Damn you liberals for being weak overall for the past 8 to 12 years!
ohh wasnt aware that was so widely known. guess i am stupid. i thought all 50 states were in conjunction.
I did not peg you for a liberal LSUGrad...I just thought you were someone who did not like Bush. You did vote for Vitter right?
Looks like when all is said and done, only New Hampshire, Iowa and New Mexico will have changed from last year's election to the other party. That, my friend, is simply amazing.
Yeah it would have to be approaching 80 % of the 200K provisional ballots. 160/40 split would gain the 120K Kerry needs to make it close.