Bush is behind 13K in NH with 94 Percent reporting. They called New Hampshire for Kerry on CBS and CNN about a half hour ago.
well yeah I know it was called but surprising being so close to jk's homestate. Maybe GW can get his lawyers in place for a recount just to rub it in.
Think there is any chance of Bush speaking out tonight? Although he was not my candidate of choice, I would like to hear him speak. He's won his re-election and I'd like to see him speak up and take control and verbally claim the victory.
Bush will now win Iowa. He has opened up an 12K lead with 95 percent reporting. Only 28K votes left to be had, and Kerry would have to win over 20K of that, or 70+ percent. Ain't happening captain. Along with New Mexico, that gives him 261. Ignoring Ohio for now, Bush either needs to carry Wisconsin, or Nevada and Hawaii. So I say get it over with without needing Ohio so we don't need to hear all this legal wrangling in the coming days.
I doubt it. He does not want to appear over-zelous and he does not want to give Dems a chance to claim they are being disenfranchised.
New Mexico is 29K lead for Bush with 92 % reporting. With 42K remaining to be had, again that means Kerry has to take over 35K of that. Why in the hell would this not be called?