Lee is OFF. VERY OFF. This entire damn team is sleep walking. Miles better light a fire under their asses.
...and on offense, I've got an idea. Lets start the game throwing. This game is quickly spiraling out of control. Our plan on defense is bad. It doesn't seem that we have a coherent plan on offense. This is disappointing.
Can't expect Lee to be sharp. Run the ball. Then run it again. Then again. Thats the only chance we have to win. But, with McCray covering Harvin, it looks like we might be down 14 points in just a couple of minutes.
How in the phuck can we come out sleep walking on both sides of the ball? Les, you better get it fixed or it's going to be a long night.
Not really. Play calling was terrible on that first possession. we have the best running back in the frickin' country and we come out throwing?! Lee will settle down.