Altobeli, Johnson and Pittman. Swings and misses: 0-1 Fouled back. 0-2 Tried to check but went around for K #10.
Hanagrif sounded like Hawthorne there! :lol: Dittman gets a ball 1-0 Strike! 1-1 Strike 2! 1-2 Strikeout but has to throw down. 12th K for Ranaudo! Ranaudo is a beast tonight.
Bottom of the 7th: McGhee, Landry and Schimpf up. Haig has thrown 96 pitches going into the inning. Expecting pitching change soon.
McGhee 1-2 tonight. First pitch fouled. 0-1 Breaking ball low. 1-1 Grounded to 3rd, thrown in time. 1 out.
Landry up. Strike. 0-1 Ball outside. 1-1 Grounded foul. 1-2 Fouled onto the roof. 1-2 Fouled back into the screen. 1-2 Fly ball, catch made in left center. 2 out.