Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Cajun Sensation, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    The strange thing that most have missed is AU's head coach wasn't even at the game last night. He was home sick.
  2. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    I think LSU's defense was uninspired in the second half... the team said as much. Couldn't get stops with AU attacking the basket, and I attribute that to effort, lack of depth, and the fact that we don't match up against smaller quicker line ups.

    While I see your point about having a "shooting" guard at 2, what do you think we did last year? DMitch played point, which allowed Garrett to focus on shutting down the other team's guard from the 2 position. Anything we got from him scoring was gravy and he helped bring the ball up at times. While I could see him at 1 long term, it's not my preference b/c he doesn't have the ability generally to break down a d with his dribble penetration or speed. I agree he's not got the most consistent shot, but at the 2, he can also slash to the basket more. I also think that despite the statistics Garrett's shot has improved. He often has to take shots on the move or from a point position this year, and it's a little bit easier sometimes making that shot when you receive the pass. A PG, like a Marcus Thornton (if he's going to play point... they call him a "combo" guard), who can score and bring the ball up may take some pressure off Garrett.

    Saw the Scottie Reynolds line too... Also saw the UT - A&M game. DJ had 25 points, 7 assists and 2 TOs playing almost the entire game of a double overtime win. It hurts man, it hurts.

    What's also troubling is I think that Texas is recruiting Greg Monroe now too. And, I'm sure DJ Augustin's part of that recruiting effort. Brady's staff will and should (much like any LSU staff) be judged long-term on their ability to get the LA talent that they want. His track record's not looking great if Monroe now is also considering Texas. To be fair, we landed Randolph and Tommy Mason Griffin, but we've got to consistently land the Monroes and Augustins of the world too when they're there.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Not really, but I do see some things that bother me. I'm not a basketball X&O guy but it seems to me, Joe Fan, that the opponents get an awful lot of open shots from beyond the arc while our guys (mainly Martin) have a lot of trouble getting away from the defender. Is it lack of effort on the shooter's part? Is it lack of, or inability to properly set screens? Another thing that bothers me is the inability to finish down low. How many layups or dunks have we missed this year? A lot of that is Rolle, but I see others blow easy chances too. Unlike most here, I like Voogd. The guy can spot openings and can get the rock in there but we have a lot of "hands of stones" it seems. Finally, why can't we finish a game? Is it conditioning? Mental breakdowns? Drumroll please......coaching???

    I'm reassessing my position on Iraq as well, but I'm still a Bush supporter.:thumb:

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