Bloody Marys to start the day. then a switch to straight coca- cola, yea ya gotta it, by game time. Can't hang with you "big boys." TIGERS ROCK!!!!
Good Lord- I suddently feel ill. How exactly did you come up with these combinations? Miller Light for me. Plus the occasional Makers and Seven.
Beer, beer and beer......I prefer Miller Lite.....but Coors Light seems to dominate the LSU campus...... I want to work for Guiness.....
mmmmmm.....beeeerrrrr. Preferably Bud Light, but anything cold will usually do. A little crown goes down well, during the game.
Not beer, or you will spend the rest of your night urinating. I like scotch, easy to mix with H2O or on the rocks. Very little hangover compared to other liquers!
Really. Thats not as bad as a combination a friend of mine came up with- Jose Cuervo and Vanilla Coke. Puke! I prefer Crown, myself. Sometimes Ill go with some other brand.