Off Topic, but darn Frances is looking impressive!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by dothantiger, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    The storm is not only 140+ winds but look at the damn thing and all its rain

  2. Tiger1958

    Tiger1958 Founding Member

  3. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    Swerved......thanks. I have a dughter and family in Orlando (Winter Park) so am trying to keep an eye (no pun intended) on this baby. They got clobbered by Charlie and looks like they are now in harms way again. She is a bama grad so maybe all of you can pray for them (LOL). Seriously, prayers for all in the way would be great.

    Your updates will be appreciated.
  4. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    No problem.. glad I could help out. I'm about to update it again... I've got over 50 frames in it now...

    My thoughts and prayers go out to your family and all in this thing's path.... just judging from the last few shots I have of it, it appears to me that it has made somewhat of a northerly turn.... anyone else noticed that?
  5. TigerBandMello

    TigerBandMello Founding Member

    nat'l hurricane center says...


    have you checked out the NHC's latest (5 eastern) track? it has it heading about WNW across florida, then attacking the gulf coastline around Panama City (i know no cities closer). i've seen that northerly trend, but who knows... we might have that beast in the GOM doing loop-ty-toops 4 days from now.


    ps. anybody, if you're in central florida, you shouldn't be wasting your time reading this stupid post.
  6. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    I noticed it took a "wobble" to the North but these things seem to have a mind of their own. Look what happened with Charlie. Based on predictions, lots of people left Tampa and went to Orlando which turned out to be exactly the wrong thing to do.
  7. tygertail

    tygertail Founding Member

    I miss that guy. I thought he retired
  8. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Yep... they can only give a 'general' forcast as to where it goes... They're getting better with them it seems with the advent of all the computer models and whatnot, but for instance when Andrew came through here in '92, it was actually expected to hit west of here like around Lake Charles or even the Texas border... but all of a sudden, the thing got directly beneath Louisiana, and decided to take a right turn (north).... I was workin at Autozone at the time, and all of a sudden that evening we got a phone call from the regional office saying, "Close the store, tape the windows up and go home!".... So, you never know.. One thing's for sure though, wherever this one goes, it's going to be nasty... It's a VERY large storm... just as strong as Charlie was, but 2-3 times the size.... So it's going to be very difficult for anyone to say where is a "Safe" place to be.....

    And not to be the bearer of any more bad news, but there's another system out in the eastern Atlantic that looks like it could develop withouth too much effort... it's still weeks away though. I find this time of year very interesting.. I watched what is now Frances come off the coast of Africa like 2 weeks ago... it was swirling as soon as it hit the water....

    Anyway, those of you in Florida, good luck...

    On a trivial note, maybe we can get Xavier Carter and Bennie Brazelle to run in a clockwise circle fast enough to offset the hurricane.... :rofl:
  9. TigerBandMello

    TigerBandMello Founding Member

    not to dis him or anything, but Brazell got 8th in the finals.... he'd do better than me, that's for sure. i know, it was just those stupid hurdles they put in his lane.
  10. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    WTF is that??

    Eighth is nothing at all to be disappointed at... To even be ON the level of competition to even get to the finals, much less the olympics is elite in every since of the word.... Who cares where in the hell he finished? It's an accomplishment that few men (and women) get to experience even after a lifetime of training, and people shouldn't be so condescending towards it. He's a world class athelete and he's proven it....

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