in Lake Boudreaux during the boat blessing. definitely the largest audince I ever performed in front of.
On a balcony of a hotel at Lake of the Ozarks, maybe 50 yards from the interstate, with the lights ON. Yes cars were honking!! Broom closet at my dads wedding reception On the hood of a VW bug in the impact area of Camp Pendelton.
Wouldn't worry, you were too young to be accountable...that priest though, dam him for stealing your innocence. Safe sex?? :wave:
dam, the girls have all the crazy ones. mine would have to be: 1. parking lot of South Park Mall on the hood of my car, about 2 am so the only ones around were security and they were inside the mall 2. Men's dept office of Dillard's with the Men's mgr (and yes it was a girl that was the mgr) before the store opened in the morning
Field house the night before graduation. In the car, in the middle of the softball field. Against a light pole on a walking trail next to his grandparents house. In the car, outside of the movie theater. (Got caught by the police for that one) Best one: In the Adriatic Sea, with people about 10 feet away. :wave: