Obamas latest Exec. Order

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by GregLSU, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    not one single thing you've mentioned here are lost liberties. as a matter of fact, everything you've posted here is pure conjecture or opinion. sounds more like whining than anything else. stop it and get to work making things better for yourself and your family.
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    I agree 123. As we all know there is NO right that is unlimited. Even the sacrosanct 1st & 4th amendments have recognized limitations (" You can't yell fire in a crowded theatre" as noted by Justice Holmes). And with every limitation we the people have to not only understand that limitations change due to the time and should have some dynamic fluctuation. We likewise need to be wary of true slippery slope issues.

    What does bother me is the demand from the abortion rights advocates for a untrammeled right of privacy. That is not even an enumerated right and to deny that at some point in the gestation there isn't protection due to the fetus really bothers me. Likewise the granting of minors powers over their reproductive issues when we don't let them drink or smoke or enter into contracts is equally insane.

    Sorry if I took this a little off track but when both sides talk about rights as they are wont to do really raises my blood pressure.
    Tiger in NC likes this.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Pride, you and I have indeed gone round and round on many a subject but I'll tell you this: I've always considered you someone who was intelligent enough to listen to good reason....whether you agree or disagree. That said, about a year ago we had a pretty heated discussion on abortion rights that legitimately changed my perspective on the subject because of the valid points that you made about it. I don't come to this forum to simply argue....hell, I could do that at home with my wife....LOL. I enjoy the back and forth on this forum because it helps me understand, with better depth, the thinking of those who don't necessarily share my thinking.

    I've said before that I am a proud gun owner and I would never relinquish my right to own those weapons. I love hunting with my son and teaching him about the great out doors while putting a little meat on the table and in the freezer, but I never go hunting with the thought that I will need a clip that will hold more than 10 rounds. In fact, I would be embarassed if I needed more than 1 shot.
  4. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    A little off topic but well noted that the abortion rights advocates are definitely inclined to take things too far. There are a host of good proposals from well meaning dems and repubs that would seek to reach some sensible compromise that would make abortions illegal after X point in the pregnancy as well as implementing better means for adoption and incentives for single, pregnant women who choose to allow their child to be adopted rather than aborted such as paying for their first two years of college so they have a chance to educate themselves and get out of the situation that they are in.

    It's the all or nothing thinking from both sides that continually perpetuates this cycle of absolutely nothing getting accomplished. Everyone likes to invoke the words of our founding fathers but one thing that is too often not mentioned is that our founding fathers were reasonable men who made important compromises in order for this great nation to exist.

    Slippery slope issues: any time that a liberty is suspended in order to accomplish the greater good, it is up to the citizens to pressure law makers into rescinding those laws once they are no longer valid. Are we there yet with the NSA, etc.? I don't know but it's something we should all be asking questions about and keeping at the top of mind.
  5. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    You're out of touch and it's why I've stopped trying to reason with you. Just like here. HUNTING?!?! WTF? Maybe you're not intentionally spinning like I thought you were and simply losing focus.

    Anyway, 10 rounds in a handgun was what we were talking about. For you to not know that says you don't know what you're speaking of. And if you think it's not significant you must not read many home invasion stories. One recently involved a woman in Georgia. It illustrates why there's a valid argument for 10+ round magazines. This woman hit the guy with 5 of 6 shots and he escaped. How many people would/could place 5 shots of 6? Not sure I could.

  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    How many shots could you take in the head?

    I mean really, you can bitch and moan about smaller clips, it literally takes 2 seconds to swap a clip. 2 seconds.

    The fastest clip you'll probably ever see.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  7. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    But how many people can place that many? Most people may have a problem hitting the head ONCE. To think he was hit several and still got away. What if there were two intruders?

    It may take two seconds but any Concealed Carry will tell you, as was pointed out in the Zimmerman case, carrying a gun that doesn't have a round chambered is useless. The time it takes to rack the slide can be too much. I'll watch you youtube but before watching I'm going to guess the person is in a small percentage. I'm left handed but shoot right handed so depending on whether or not any given pistol has the ambidextrous release, it could take me longer.

    As to smaller magazines as in comparing 30+ to, say, 10 round mags; I do agree. What's the difference you ask? Someone like in the theater incident or school shootings go into it and are the perps not the surprised home-owner who's caught off guard. It's a different perspective if you place yourself in one...or the other. I keep a mag in the pistol on the nightstand AND and extra one on the side of it. Same thing in my truck.
  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Out of touch? How so friend. I also don't understand your comment about hunting. I'll be happy to reply if you can explain what you mean. I've been ad avid Quail hunter since childhood and my son and I hog hunt every year at a friends ranch in Livingston, AL. Regarding home invasions, you do realize that the very story you cited explicitly says that the intruder got away, meaning that he ran away and left. The last time I checked, getting the intruder to run away was the goal; not killing them on purpose. On top of that you've referenced the absolute exception to the rule and now want us to base law on the exception rather than the norm.
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Then two questions in reference to what you said. 1/ You hunt with single shot guns? 2/ You ever need more than one shot to drop a bird or a hog? Or maybe needed more than one shot when shooting in a bunch of hogs? Yet you tried to spin it to being embarrassed about needing more than one shot- though that was not even what we were speaking about - even though you can't admit fault. Fact of the matter was you were off, as you are here, and again trying to create some diversion to the fact that you are. Ten rounds in a handgun was what we were talking about.

    No, I don't; however, to that person there is no "exception." I'm aware of other incidents but if two lives don't get the point across, how many lives make it worthy? Just another good example about how you're impossible to reason with.

    And the point about him running away. That's laughable. The goal is to make him run away. lmao. That sounds so ghey. The goal is to stop him. If he dies because deadly force was justifyable that's his ass- and I believe it was a black azz too.
  10. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    of course I don't hunt with a single shot shotgun. I hunt with a Remington 1100 12 gauge shotgun and it holds three shells, the standard for shotguns. I never said it has never taken more than one shot but I generally identify a single hog in a bunch and wait for my shot with that one single hog. angle is everything because I like a clean kill which reduces the amount of adrenaline released at death and therefore reduces the "gamey" taste to a certain degree. But even ten rounds in a handgun are not justifiable IMO.

    call it what you want but the goal is to neutralize the threat and to make them no longer a threat so I don't know why that's laughable or "ghey." you defend your home and if they die as a result then so be it but killing them isn't necessarily the goal; keeping them from harming my family is the goal. what, are you trying to out-macho me now? LOL, geez man you need to chill out.

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