no its not. without bbc some company or individual can easily set up a paper/tv/radio station or website, provide news and get paid by advertisers. companies cant make $ doing basic research because there is nothing close to an immediate payout. govt funds the basic research and industry makes $ off of it. for projects that require huge capital and dont require profits soon, they, and other non-profits, are the best way to go. do you think a company would have created the A bomb or put a man on the moon?
then they are not private researchers, or at least their research isnt private. agreed, but if a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear it? again, they are trying to prove something, which is dangerous. it isnt very good science if it is science at all. i forgot. what were we arguing about?
In that case, Boeing would not be private if the government bought their bombers. Apple would not be private if the government bought their computers.
1. i have always said i favor large sums of taxes and government for killing. thats the whole point of the government. to defend us from brown people. 2. why exactly was it important to take taxpayer dollars to put a man on the moon?
Alot of crap in this healthcare bill, they need to go back to the drawing table and redo this. Both sides cant have everything their way and we cant afford to continue it the way it is.
My biggest concern is that politicians are conceding that employee sponsored plans and private users will not see a decreaese in premiums. So all of the sudden, people with insurance get no benefit and we're just subsidizing everyone else to the tune of 1 trillion. I agree with MM. The bill has lost focus and needs to be looked at again. Why is he trying to jam this down everyone's throat anyway? I can come up with the cynical reason but what reason is obama giving for having to pass this thing in 30 days?
Obama and Congress need to concentrate on regulating the HC industry and not on searching for ways to provide health care. The Government should do their constitutionally mandated functions and quit trying to run every facet of peoples' lives. Over 80% of Americans have some sort of health insurance. Don't F that up trying to provide for the rest.
Good post. I argue 95% of americans have health care or reasonable access to it anyway. I think we need to work on the other 5% but reform is certainly the most important thing. My insurance is way too high right now.
I think that 95% is wrong Mob and we dont hve the best care in the world according to many publications, I dont know if thats true or not. It should be affordable to everyone, but not given free. Also liberals are overreaching with the tax payer funded abortion in this bill. That is ridiculous. My insurance is why to high as well.