i just heard boortz say that the state of conn. requires all healthcare plans sold (i believe public or private) to include hair replacement and ivf. crap like that has got to go.
It is about money because it is a good/service. If people actually cared that much about health care they would take care of themselves instead of asking the govt. to take care of them when they messed their own health up. Long live the nanny state I guess.
Obama's and his democrat pupets are so out of touch with the beliefs of the main stream red blodded American public. That is the very reason he will fail and his cronies will go down with him in the fall. The American people are waking up! This country is the greatist nation in the world and I cannot believe that the people will allow this administration to tear down what all our ancestors have fought and DIED for, the American way of life. We need more people like Ted. Where are all the other wealthy actors singers, song writers, hunter, concertives in this country who belive in our constitunion, WHY are they not speaking out!! Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could see through this Bull **** administration. There is a great video on You Tube. Go there and type in White Folks Will Riot. Please look at this site and pass it on. RUDY22 Covington,La.
That would be . . . the people that elected him? Just like Bush, eh? Now, here's some melodrama! :lol: Yep, we need more Hollywood actors and songwriters. They will save the nation. There are more kooks out there every day.