Obama's Healthcare Nightmare

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    My bad. It set off my smartass alarm.
  2. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Wow I dont know what we would do if we didnt have the insurance I cant even begin to imagine what y'all have to deal with.

    I dont know all the names of the things she has wrong but one of the main problems is her spinal canal a normal spinal canal is suppose to be about the size of a nickle the doctor said hers in spots is the size of a M&M. She had a mylogram (sp) done where they inject the dye into the canal and then do a CAT Scan when they dye hit those spots it paralazyed her and they had to physical move her body to allow the dye to drip through.
    Hell when she had Shaelyn last year they refused to give her an epiderol because it might do the samething except she wouldnt know it because it is suppose to make you numb.

    I have been researching what it would cost if she doesnt have insurance and just the meds ONLY would cost $400 dollars each time we would get them filled.

    Sorry to get y'all off the topic..seems the realiness took away from the heat of the discussion going on!

    Carry on
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well, I thought you might know where to find them if anyone did, being in the insurance business. If what you say is factual, then someone in the biz has run the numbers. Why aren't they trumpeting them?
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Sure, amigo. We all do that when we say "most of" or "two-thirds" or "about half". But when I throw out a specific figure, I don't get annoyed if someone asks me how I arrived at it. Some folks do make up numbers, you know.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    This hard to fathom if your wife was employed and can no longer work. A former girlfriend of mine is now on 100% medicare disability because of a back hurt in an auto accident 15 years ago. She's messed up too, but it doesn't sound as bad as your wife's condition.

    I hate to say this but . . . maybe you should talk to a disability lawyer. My friend had to take it to court but the judge ruled in her favor.
  6. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    My mom took retirement early due to some disability clause thing. I think she was having to go to doctors all over the place to get more opinions. It took forever for the paperwork to actually get approved too. She was in a car accident a long time ago that herneated a disk in her back and she had at least one surgery to repair her shoulder from delivering mail with the same arm every day for 20 years and her ankles and knees are all torn up from having flat feet and having to get in and out of the mail truck all the time.

    It's definitely not easy to get approved. You pretty much have to be in a wheelchair or not far from it.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You work at LSU. Can you get me some 50 yard line tickets?

    Besides, the burden of proof is on you. I already believe what I said.
  8. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Yeah thats what we are gonna have to do..what pisses me off is the insurance company now is forcing me to apply for SS which I did and it got denied..then they forced me to file an appeal..which I did and we are at the next stage I have recieved now 4 letters from SS asking for my signutare to a packet so they can shecdule my hearing and I DONT WANT TO DO IT. I'm hurt but not disabled..I havent signed it yet and I got a call from the insurance today saying I HAVE to sign it and send it in.

    They want me to get on SS so they can get reimbersed I guess for the money they have been paying me I guess..I dont know anymore
  9. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Our Current Healthcare Nightmare

    NCHC | Facts About Healthcare - Health Insurance Costs

    Why do we need health care reform? We spend 17% of GDP on health care and only cover 83% of our folks, while the major industrialized countries like England, France, Canada and Switzerland spend 10% and cover EVERYBODY in the country.

    That's pathetic.

    Big reason? Lobbyists. Big Pharma employs 1,100 lobbyists in DC, TWO for every senator and representative.
    Janet Goes to Washington - FDA - Zimbio
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Like you would leave your TV party. . . :wink:

    Ohhhhh . . . :lol:

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