(according to the census bureau) 10 million of the 46 million without health insurance are illegal aliens. so screw them. this reduces the number to 36 million. of those 36-- 9 million made more than 75K. of those 27--8.6 million made more than 50k (and less than 75k). overlapping all of the above is 18.3 million of the uninsured are under 34 years old. meaning many feel no need to pay for insurance. in other words, the numbers are a bit skewed. So the numbers can speak a different story. if obama truly wanted to fix this problem he would address the loser lawyers crippling this industry yet nary a word about them when claiming reform. how is this possible. this doesnt seem to really be about reform. true reform cant begin until tort reform is addressed. actually not only addressed but dealt with and controlled.
He gave you the abstract. Now you need to read the bill if you want the details. But I'd wait a bit. Obama made reference to "the bill that I will sign" which sounds like code for "there are poison amendments in the draft bill that will have to go before I will sign it." Regular doses of confidence and leadership are important to any plan. He's still trying to make the point that doing nothing is not a viable option. I'm not marching in his health parade yet, but I am hearing the music. I also have questions about cost and about rushing this bill through Congress, so I hope that Obama will force whatever changes need to be made to make it acceptable to middle America. You can never please everybody.
lol, you of all people accuse someone about playing politics.:rofl: the current bill sucks, probably about 60% of it just sucks right now. Where is the alternative?
Not really. You need to get the experience right. Palin had 6 years as a small-town mayor and half a term as governor. Obama had 8 years in the State legislature and 4 years in the US Senate. Plus he had a Harvard education and and actually reads the newspapers. Palin made Katie Couric look smart.
Also the truth is both sides are playing politics right now. Dems push back against tort reform, because they want the political contributions from trial lawyers and other legal associations Republicans push against healthcare reform, because they wont contributions from insurance and drug companies. it all boils down to money and lobbying. Now thats the truth.
possibly the first intellectually, unemotionally, honest thing youve said. keep it up. I mean, i agree. :lol:
[quote=tirk;950514]possibly the first intellectually, unemotionally, honest thing youve said. keep it up. I mean, i agree. :lol:[/quote] waiting on your first:rofl:
i have no dog in this hunt. hell i dont even have insurance. i refused it. wait, i recently enrolled actually. i had it like 15 years and did nothing but get occasional checkups so i said screw it. pissed me off. just like my car insurance and never making a claim. now im old and need it i suppose.
You didnt strike me as old One of the coolest old men I know. All you need is a brim with the feather in it and a cherry wood cane.