washingtonpost.com no one has a good answer, but doing nothing is not the answer. Which alot of republicans would like to see. Id like to see them come up with a plan, instead of saying no.
That's total, unadulterated BS. Republicans and all Americans want to see something done. Despite the crap that BO spewed last night about about opposition to his plan (whatever that plan may be) there are plenty of recommendations on the table from the GOP which are flat out rejected (such as tort reform, which I learned this morning). Obama and the dems have the numbers to get any bill through. It ain't the republicans holding this up.
they are delusional. I live in Central Louisiana, and there are 2 talk radio stations here, 970 a.m. and 1410 espn radio. 970 has a local show in the morning followed by Rush Limbaugh, followed by Shawn Hannity, followed by Glen Beck. So there was a commercial on 1410, and i decided to flip it to the wack job station just to see what vile they were spewing, and Glen Beck said that America has the greatest healthcare system in the world by far. Ok, if you work for a great company, who offers great benefits, then ok i can see why you would think that America has the best health care system in the world. That is until you get really sick and the insurance company drops you like Richard Jefferson. There are tons of people living in this country that work their asses off, and their employers do not offer health benefits, and alot that do but make them so expensive that they cannot afford them. Drugs in this country are 4 and 5 times more expensive than the same drugs in Mexico or Canada. Something needs to be done, and mastermind i agree with you, the republicans need to come up with something instead of just saying no to everything that comes up. I think most of the right on this board, would agree that something needs to be done, and i agree with most of them when they say, that B.O. needs to clearly outline the plan instead of making the same political speech outlining the problems and not giving solutions.
You sure are an angry fellow. Also you twisted my words. I never said Dems didnt have the votes. But it is a FACT, that republicans have said they want to kill this bill for the pure hell of it. Michael Steel Newt Gingrich Quote from Roy Blunt elected republican official. .” So dont tell me I am presenting BS, when those are the facts. Deal with them if you can instead of thinking your damn right all the time.
Alot whats in that bill is crap and he didnt clearly define what reform really will mean and do for people, thats for sure. Something has to be done.
I am in no way a "fan" of Palin, but tell me, if we have a guy in the WH that has 160 someodd days of experience as a senator plus being able to organize a car wash at the local ACORN building and he is qualified, how then by the same standard is she not? See the point? Doesn't mean I will support her and I hope like hell she gets derailed before 12. I did not vote for obama. agree with yes, something needs to be done. The current plan is not the answer. No one really knows whats in it but the cbo says it will put is in worse shape so who am I to argue that point? The fact that it is being rushed is all I need to know really.
I don't believe that "alot of republicans" would like to see nothing happen. I believe most want to hear the outlined plan instead of another..."Just wait and see.", "My play will work.", "Trust me." "Don't worry about the details, just give me a blank check." Nobody is suggesting we delay 10, 20, 30 years but what's the problem with slowing down long enough to analyze all aspects and reach quality solutions NOT political ones? BTW...all Democrats are not marching in line on this subject. Many have raised the same concerns as the Republicans. Obama claims he wants bi-partisanship so why doesn't he listen to some from his own party who also have concerns. I guess those Democrats will be considered rebel rousers. (Do we need to talk about hypocrisy again? :grin
Read the article again. No we dont need to talk about it, you are well versed in the practice.:wave: I never said all Democrats are on board. Hell Im not even on board after reading some of the bill. Get your facts together.:grin: All Im asking is someone show me a republican solution and bill. So I can read it, if it even exist.
I'm done with this debate. It's not about who has a plan or who doesn't or anything like that. It's about reducing health care costs (which many confuse with health insurance costs) without bankrupting the country in the process. Go ahead and continue your childish political oneupsmanship.