That's pretty much the reason I don't cut and paste links each time you call something a lie and ask for proof. Bush did nothing right and Obama can never do anything wrong. Is that your definition of moderate? Had he not listed these I guess the list would be...blank.
You are a complete idiot if you actually favor releasing info about how America gathers vital information to protect the citizens of this country, which unfortunatly includes you
There is a difference between backing up one's claims and posting absurd, unsubstantiated fiction like this list. Not exactly. Bush did some good work that was overshadowed by many colossal failures that have endangered the long-term success of this country. Obama has failed at nothing yet. That may change in the next 8 years, but I'm not judging him by premature fears about the future. No. is it yours? If so you are way off base. Moderate means not being extreme. That's all.
Red, you think of yourself as a moderate. A true moderate is someone who's political belief's would place him very near the middle of the poliitical spectrum with Josef Stalin being at the extreme left and Adolf Hitler at the extreme right. (In the end is there any difference between the two of them? Both of them murdered millions of people) Most of your posts on FSA seem to indicate that you are a bit to the left of the center of the spectrum. Your sig line seems to indicate that you lean more to the left than to the right. If your views were more conservative it might instead read: "A liberal is a man with two perfectly good legs who has learned to walk forward but refuses to walk in any direction but backwards." "my politics are left, but I'm leanin' to the right" Eric Clapton and Cream
Too simple. A true moderate only needs to have a position that is not at the extremes. Half of the moderates are on each side of center, not standing atop one another on the centerline of the road. A "bit" is correctly stated. I have been a bit left of center for the duration of the Bush administration, which is essentially my time on FSA. There have been times when I supported Reagan and Bush 41 and Jindal. It's important to understand four things about moderates: 1. One doesn't have to be a centrist to be a moderate. The moderate range is broad and overlaps large swaths of the left and the right. 2. We are not in lockstep with a particular partisan ideology that we must adhere to on every issue. I can stand on either side of the line, and it doesn't go against my ideology. 3. We don't have to remain committed to a single philosophy over the course of a lifetime. We can move from right to left of center as seems sensible in the course of human events. 4. Moderates are not represented by a moderate political party. We are forced to choose candidates from the republicans and democrats as seems prudent.. My vote for Reagan did not make me a Republican and my vote for Clinton did not make me a Democrat, but they (along with Bush 41) were the only presidents since Truman who presided as moderates. Bush 42 did not preside as a moderate and drove the moderates to the left and Obama was elected as a result. I hope he presides as a moderate and so far he has. If he doesn't, then I can change my mind about him. Hillary has better moderate credentials than Obama and she hasn't gone anywhere. But Republican moderates need to emerge to have any hope of pulling moderates in the next election. Even if we are not entirely happy with Obama, we aren't about to vote for a far right candidate. I might also add that on FSA I sometimes argue a liberal point that I don't feel all that strongly about, just to keep an discussion going. :grin: You guys already know the conservative talking points from Limbaugh, Beck and OReilly. My sig quote changes frequently, if you paid attention, and is more inclined toward humor and irony than towards politics.
Obama has attempted to institute the most extreme government power play since the New Deal and you state that he has presided as a moderate, so far. That may pass the "red" face test, but it doesn't pass the smell test. Come on Red, you're better than that statement indicates. This guy is an extremist. Your statement about Bush 42 taking the country too far right, resulting in the country voting for "change" is a broad statement, but reasonably accurate. However, the public, in their thirst for the change that was promised by the smooth talking senator, was not paying attention to the substance behind the image. I don't think Obama is doing anything that he didn't say he would do during his campaign. I just think the public was so enamored with Obama that they couldn't see past the words to the product he was really selling. Hillary likely wouldn't be any better tolerated by the conservative talking heads (No democrat would be). While she is more left of center than I am comfortable with, I refuse to believe that her ship would be seriously listing to port and taking on water like this presidency.
You can't place all the blame on Obama. How is anyone supposed to get anything done when you are surrounded by the group of rockheads he is surrounded by?
Who hired the rockheads? Can't he fire them if he comes to his senses? Politics is a lot like professional wrestling. Good guys can become bad guys overnight and bad guys can become good guys overnight.
Give me an example, then. Be specific. He's clearly leaning to the center from the extreme liberals on the left. He has catered to the blue dog conservative democrats more than to the Kennedy liberals, who consider him a sellout for even considering health care compromise with the right. An extreme liberal would have used the majority of both house to steamroll a bill through regardless of republican opposition, much as was done by the republican majority earlier in this decade. Has he tried to prosecute Bush Administration officials as the extreme left wishes. No. Did he pull out of Iraq immediately without conditions as the extreme left wishes? No. Has he used his veto to block any republican legislation? No. Try to understand, right wing extremists like yourself are nowhere near the majority in this country and most of us do not consider the New Deal or other government programs as evidence of communism, socialism, "government power plays", or assimilation by the Borg. What exactly is Obama selling that he didn't campaign for? Hillary would have been better all around, which is why I supported her until she was out. Obama is a progressive democrat, but to the left of Hillary who is a true moderate democrat and a populist like Bill.