Obama Obama's Abuse of Power Checked

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    This is making no sense at all. Executive orders have always been used to circumvent congress. What in the world do you think an executive order is? Checks and balances? How about Congress making phony meetings to avoid ever having to go on recess, even thought they aren't really here to do the country's business. Executive orders were set up to allow that President to do business.

    He is on track to finish lowest, I shall crow a bit.

    Completely understandable since the GOP turned into the party of gridlock, obstruction, shutdown, and hyper-partisanship.

    Spare me the faux outrage, he is doing exactly what every other president has done only less of it. The next Republican President will do the same. Obama did not invent executive privilege.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Because that money has been spent on whatever it wa authorized for. Paying for their transpiration and return expenses is cheap compared to keeping them. The costs of giving them immigration hearings, refugee hearings, all due process, and deporting them through normal channels is far more expensive. If these governments are willing to take the children back if their expenses are covered it is the most expeditious and cheapest way to deal with the situation. What exactly do you propose and don't pretend that it will be free.

    The administration has stated that it plans to deport most of the minors and is asking Congress to fast track it around homeland security rules which require another investigation and hearing for each of them.
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I have taken both PBO and Congress to task on the issue. The President is using and has declared his plan to use EO's in a way that well over 50% of the public has said they don't agree with. He is thumbing his nose at the Constitution and people know it. I already provided the poll results (Gallup) so please don't ask for a re-do.

    And notice I said Congress....it isn't the GOP acting alone. Democrats have behaved similarly and then cried on the other end.

    Where in my response do you get outrage? Again with hyperbole. I used caps to point out that I wasn't pulling an opinion out of my ass....that PBO has and plans to continue using EO for his own purposes. He has a track record. There has been no President who has used EO to the content and purpose extent. If you are stuck on the pure numbers aspect, then really, there isn't much of a victory. Like I have already showed, Dubya signed at a rate of .10/day, Obama .09/day....woo effing hoo.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    As have all presidents. Shouting does make you seem outraged.

    What is this supposed to mean? How can you back this up without numbers? How does one determine the the "content and purposes" of the presidents since Grover Cleveland. Must I read all of their autobiographies? And must I believe such a self-serving document? Must I examine the entrails of chickens to determine God's will?

    It's kind of hard to argue mathematics with semantics, ain't it.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    No, it hasn't been spent. Obama just pledged several hundred million MORE. And it has been earmarked to stem immigration! Here's the problem red....our government keeps these immigrants and allows "due process" of sorts before deportation. We do not have a history of simple deportation.

    Just this morning, "President Barack Obama is preparing to ask Congress for emergency spending of more than $2 billion to deal with the crisis of unaccompanied kids at the Southern border, but for now he won't seek legal changes to send the children back home more quickly. "

    $2B? Insanity!

    "Unaccompanied minors have been trekking to the United States in steadily increasing numbers since 2012, according to the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute.

    Over roughly the past year or so, however, both the numbers and home countries shifted dramatically. Where previously Mexican children made up the bulk of them, a surge more recently from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador has been seen.

    "In reality, there is no single cause. Instead, a confluence of different pull and push factors has contributed to the upsurge," the institute's analysis found. "Recent U.S. policies toward unaccompanied children, faltering economies and rising crime and gang activity in Central American countries, the desire for family reunification, and changing operations of smuggling networks have all converged."

    An administration program that defers the deportation of children brought in illegally by their parents or guardians has also had unintended consequences, immigration policy and law experts say.

    Although most children pouring over the border now would not qualify for "amnesty," drug smugglers have used misperceptions about the program to entice kids with the promise of "permisos," or a pass to stay in America, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told a congressional committee recently......

    ....In 2008, the Department of Health and Human Services was authorized to take over the care of kids, which includes helping meet their health and legal needs, no later than 72 hours after being picked up by the Border Patrol.

    At a House Homeland Security Committee hearing last month, federal officials said they were having difficulties meeting the 72-hour hand off.....

    .....Though now, the administration plans to spend roughly $100 million in aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to help the immigrant children get back home and stay there.

    It also setting aside $161.5 million this year for programs designed to help Central American countries respond to "pressing security and governance challenges."

    It's all there. We have thousands of illegals here who are not going to be deported any time soon. The US taxpayer is holding the shit bag. I don't care much for the stench.

    And let's not pretend that at least part of Obama's motivation on the "correct" handling of this situation isn't directly related to the Hispanic vote. It matters little that HE isn't running in 2016 when he obviously wants another Dem in the WH.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Look, the illegal immigrant situation is a clusterfuck and has been for a long time. But Congress creates the laws and we have to abide by them and that means due process for illegals. You can't just hang all of this on Obama. The same with foreign aid. We give it to a lot of countries to get them do do the things we want and we have done this for approximately forever. It's major leverage. And China and Russia and Venezuela are out there spreading it around also. 161 $million is not all that much in foreign aid terms, Israel gets 2 $billion. Obama is taking steps to deport most of these people and obey our own laws at the same time. The alternative is to just take them, is that what you want? We can't just drive them to the border like we do with Mexicans, we have no borders with these countries. Steps have to be taken to return them and then to prevent more of them from coming. That is what that foreign aid is intended for, to make the countries better able to care for their people.
  7. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Exactly. Someone tell that fool we're broke.

    LMAO. That is funny. Hey and props to the Cali people who are standing up and saying enuff is enuff.
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Ain't that the truth. As a CA resident, I have shouldered more than my share of the burden in every way.

    I am not hanging it all on Obama. I am holding him responsible for much of the current CentAmer surge. Congress can't agree on a plan but neither can the President. He is trying to please too many masters. The laws we have have not been enforced. The laws are being twisted every which way and every day it's another strategy. Meanwhile, the cost to American citizens continues to increase. I am at the point of ENOUGH already.

    The President cannot take those steps....what policy is he following? The one he wants, the one we have, or the one Congress wants? He cannot deport what he doesn't track nor what has already been released. The alternative is to put then on a facking plane and send the plane to Guatemala, stamped Return to Sender.

    Does it make sense to you to send $300M in aid to stem illegal immigration when we are full to the gill with illegal immigrants? The President wants more money for processing! This is a circle jerk. I am tired of it. If it "isn't that much", how much can we count on from you as a donation to support these kids? Which one(s) will you adopt? The foreign aid to these countries is NOT WORKING.
  9. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    This is basically in my mom's backyard. She is not a happy camper.
  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Is she here legally? just joking...just joking!

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