Obama Obama's Abuse of Power Checked

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Carter was weak...Obama is weakER...AND stupid. That's all I meant, gringo.

    Carter had some class too. Obama is VERY insecure. It's why he screams louder when he's checked going out of bounds when he should shut the phuck up.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Then offer some evidence to support this or you know that I will shoot it to pieces.

    He still does. He's probably the best EX-President we've ever had.

    How do you figure this one? :D
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Actually he hasn't been. First I would say the two best ex presidents we have had are in no particular order John Quincy Adams and Bill Clinton. Adams served 26 years in the house after losing to Andrew Jackson. He served with distinction and apparent grace. Bill has been everything Carter has not, gracious, positive and has contributed positively to the world and US in the 14 years he has been out of office. He has become a senior statesman. I would give George HW Bush and Harry Truman honorable mention.

    Now as to why Carter doesn't measure up IMO. Besides Habitat for Humanity he has been nothing but the bitter close minded man he was when he left office. He has meddled in foreign affairs to the detriment of the US (Israel/Palestine, Africa, South America) and against the expressed wishes of serving presidents R & D alike. He has done nothing to better the political environment in fact he has been a negative influence when he has tried. He blames everyone but himself for his failures (read his memoirs).If you read the other ex's dislike for him is strong. He is the same self righteous fool he was in office and that doesn't make for being the best ex ever.
  4. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    So what your saying is that Obama is very much like Carter?

    He whines like a bitch when he doesn't get his way, just like those that voted for him do.
    Blames everyone else for his failures, and I say his failures because those that are fucking everything up were appointed by him.

    We have gotten to this point in America because of pussies. There are more hipsters, wannabes, and boys voting than are real men. Guys that grow those little faggit beards and can't even change their own fucking oil. Guys that brag about knocking girls up but won't man up and take responsibility for their actions. Boys that would rather shoot a man than to go toe to toe with him. And punk ass kids that would rather live with mommy and daddy and play video games till they're 30 than get out and face reality.
    Then you have the bitches that want to be in a mans position but think taxpayers should pay for their birth control and abortions. They want equal pay but special treatment.
    Democrats don't want anyone but the government telling them what to do because they're a bunch of pampered bitches that can't, or won't, make decisions for themselves. Gun control because their scared one of their own may shoot them. Free birth control because they aren't responsible enough to wear a condom or remember to take a fucking pill everyday. Free Government health care because they think everybody else should take care of their medical bills. Free housing, food, and utilities so they can afford to drive a nicer car, get their nails done, buy an iPhone, and drink a fucking $7 latte.
    This country will continue to go down hill until these boys balls drop and they decide to man up and these girls start acting like women instead of whiney ass sluts.
    Our grandparents were real men and women. The women helped build ships and planes so their men could storm beaches and run head on into machine gun fire. Now we have a bunch of pampered pussies that can't cook a meal and piss their pants at the sight of a man, or woman, holding a fucking .22 pistol.

    Happy Independence Day everyone. Enjoy your fireworks and BBQ while you still can.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2014
    LSUDad and Winston1 like this.
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Damn if I do say that does it mean my dislike of him isn't racist or that Carter is really black?
    gyver likes this.
  6. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Carter sucked. Barry blows. I can't be racist because I hate both sides of Barry.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Your politics are showing. It's far more than Habitat for Humanity. He established the Carter Center to advance human rights and alleviate human suffering. The non-profit, nongovernmental Center promotes democracy, mediates and prevents conflicts, and monitors the electoral process in support of free and fair elections. It also works to improve global health through the control and eradication of tropical diseases.

    On the contrary, he was recruited by Clinton to successfully mediate with North Korea. He went back in 2010 to secure the release of an American. He assisted Israelis and Palestinians to sign the Geneva Accords. He had a key role in the Nairobi Agreement in Africa, in human rights agreements in Northern Ireland. He collaborated with Republican Senator Nunn to forestall an invasion of Haiti and return its rightful President to office. He witnessed contested elections in Venezuela. He has earned his Nobel Peace Prize.

    Unlike most former Presidents, Carter does not hesitate to speak his mind including criticizing sitting Presidents, but he has been bi-partisan about it, since both Bush's, Clinton and Obama have all suffered some criticism. He has been unsparing on the Israelis, too. Carter was a weak and vacillating President, but he has been far more than a sit-at-home-and-write-memoirs ex-president. He has gotten out there and gotten good work done.
  8. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    That's a reach. Did you miss the popular vote? Using the results from that "election" I could say Romney has an awful lot of support in this country...and be correct.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    yes, I'm glad that you agree with me.
  10. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Without a doubt, Carter has been a better ex-president than he was a president.

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