We've got to wait 4 years to un-elect Obama. That may be too long to wait at the rate that he's trying to implement his vision for Islam, err, America.
Major reform cannot happen overnight, but it has to get a quick start to achieve anything in four years.
I have yet to see you say "no that isn't a good idea" or "no we don't have the money for that" just "yah maybe that is a good idea" or "lets try it and see what happens". Maybe you talk everything and should talk nothing . But wait.. You must do something, can't do nothing.. haha
Then you clearly haven't been paying attention. martin just criticized me for saying "lets try it and see what happens". I have not promoted the vast money being spent, only pointing out that doing nothing is unsustainable and not an option. I've said that there are good ideas and poison pills in the bill that all need sorting out. What I haven't done is to say "Obama is crazy and trying to destroy the constitution, and take our freedom away, socialize our medicine, and nobody should ever pay taxes when we can just borrow money from China" If you think I don't advocate balance in all things then you haven't read many of my posts. The extreme right wingers seem to think that anybody that is against them is a liberal and they don't even realize how many moderates there are that don't agree with them either. It's not a black and white world. You yourself swing wildly from liberal to conservative depending on the issue, so it even makes you a moderate on the average. Most of us stay nearer the center, though.
Sometimes doing nothing is the exact right thing to do. Change for the sake of change is stupid. On Health Care I'd like to see extended debate on numerous options, not just let's hurry up and do what the 3 stooges tell us to do. I want cap and trade to die a painful death. There is nothing good about it. Unless you like throwing away billions with no measurable benefit. I'd like to see drilling on all U.S. owned land that contains oil and gas. Liberals love doing nothing in that arena though. I'd like to see Nancy Pelosi take a helicopter tour of Manhattan on a foggy day.
I'd like to see you point out something I have said that is liberal. And NO I haven't called you a liberal either. Obama is crazy just the same as Bush was. Taking away our freedoms and spending this country to bankruptcy. I see no difference. And the notion of having to do "something" for the sake of doing it I don't buy. We should be doing more of nothing.
Doing nothing leaves us with the most expensive system in the world with premiums doubling every decade. This is unsustainable. Whatever we do, nothing is not an option. The people have already spoken on this one. It doesn't mean that the currently bloated health care bill is the answer, but it does mean we know we must do something. If it would have been me, I would have done it in two stages, slashed waste first, both in medicare and in insurance practices. Then set about reorganizing the system next. But Obama is a politician and must be elected in three years, so he must show quick results. Adequate debate would be just fine with me and the Blue Dogs are pushing for it. Extended obstruction will not be permitted by the majority, od course, any more than the republican majority permitted any. I've explained at length at how cap and trade has already been successful in curbing acid rain and without industry being collapsed or even compromised. In fact they used it as an opportunity to modernize their processes, making them more competitive with new foreign plants. Cap and trade works and it allows industry opportunities to change at their own pace by exchanging credits. The huge energy bill may indeed have other bad elements that must be removed before signing, but cap and trade itself works as advertised. True. And conservatives want to exploit whatever can be gotten regardless of the consequences. Moderates want both, and can't understand why the extremists see it as an either/or situation. I know for a fact that oil and gas resources can be extracted without destroying the environment. I've been involved in much research in this area both from the government and the industry side. But it involves compromises from both political parties, who both happen to be stupid, and following the most extreme among them. Oil and gas resources can be extracted without destroying the environment, but not without impacting the environment. It's a matter of balance--how much impact is tolerable and how much is not. Oil and gas resources can be extracted without destroying the environment, but not as cheaply as it can be done by trampling the environment. It's a matter of balance--how much profit is economically practical and how much is not. The technology and practices for drilling with minimum impact exist and are being used widely already in sensitive areas. Simple compromises have proven useful and a few of the major oil companies are already committed to low-impact exploration and extraction. But the extreme right wing fears that any regulation at all is a threat to free enterprise, while the extreme left fears that any resource exploitation at all equals devastation. If the moderates only had enough sway in each party to force the extremists into compromise, then we could all get about business. Some moderate thinking, pragmatic assessments, and a willingness to be flexible could quickly lead to a win-win situation and we can enjoy the oil while it lasts and the caribou indefinitely. But that would involve some stubborn people recognizing that shades of gray exist and are damned handy sometimes. It aint just liberal wackos stopping this, SF, it is the conservative wacko's, too. The answers lie between the extremes . . . almost always.
Wrong. The people are currently speaking about it, and not exactly in glowing terms. And that justifies tearing apart a system that is working for 83% of the people to try and implement a plan that is fraught with unknowns? No thank you. I'll go with what I have. Bull Sh!t. Blue dogs are covering their political azzes just like everyone else. As John McCain said they are historically all bark and no bite. They'll vote the way Pelosi tells them to vote. And I choose to believe that you are are full of meadow muffins. Cap and Hustle is all Obama and his cronies. 10,000 years from now somebody might give a damn but right now there are bigger fish to fry.