You did not ask for "Policy" Failures, but "repeated" failures. So yes the appointment of 5 cabinet members with Tax Evasion issues is a "Repeated Failure". Also Bush's appointments had no bearing on who Obama nominated, so it is irrelevant in this argument. Cap and Trade is an Obama policy, and he is using Global Warming as his vehicle to ram legislation down our throats. Because Global Warming is based on Bad Science that makes it a failure!
What a joke. I'll laugh now . :lol: You start the impeachment proceedings. :lol::lol::lol: It's a comparison, junior. A matter of scale. Obama had some appointments fail to meet muster. Bush lost a war, crashed the economy, and ruined US credibility. Cap and Trade is another unpassed bill that can't be a failure if it hasn't ben implemented yet. You don't understand what "failure" means, do you? You list things you dislike and then pronounce it a failure. :insane: You don't want to go there. Science supports global warming and I've demonstrated it many times in many threads. It's irrelevant to to imaginary Obama failures.
He's definitely right. Chicago is terrible about that sh!t. It's like saying if New Orleans got the olympics there would be no corruption in the process.
The only joke is the clown occupying the White House. I Don't need to start impeachment proceedings, the 2012 elections will take care of it. When the Treasury Secretary fails to honor his tax burden, it's a bigger issue than "failing to meet muster". Obama's strategey in Afghanistan is a shining example of effective leadership in how to win a war!:nope: Let's blame Bush for everything, everyone knows Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were coerced by the Bush Administration.:rolleye33: You are right, if kissing Hugo Chavez's azz doesn't return credibility to the US nothing will. Cap and Trade is Obama's agenda, and he is using bogus "Climate Change" research to try and pass his legislation. (I love the way Global Warming is now Climate Change. Way to hedge your bets) So unless you are a climatologist, by the way I did not see your name in the EPA report, your demonstrations are meaningless. And yes I do understand failure. You attempt's to defend Obama by bashing Bush is a BIG ONE
Even the Washington Post is getting skeptical. Be careful! Disagreeing with the chosen one will get your name on Janet Napolitano's terrorist watch list.:shock:
At what point did Obama "maintain strict requirements?" Was it when he nominated these cheaters? When 2 of them quit after being outed? Or when he kept the other 3 even after their cheating had been exposed?
You forgot to blame Bush for something. Enlighten me with your wealth of knowledge about the Ozone Layer or Global Warming or Climate Change or whatever the "crisis du jor" may be.